Standalone Cerebro Minh

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MythosBusters · 2528

This is Cerbro Minh, Minh in the Chair, Camping Minh, or whatever is your preferred analogy. The point of the deck is to set up in a central location, ideally one with a bunch of connections to take advantage of Hemispheric Map. Then you can use Barricade to guard yourself from errant enemies, and go to work.

The deck has two jobs: to help your "Minh-ions" be better at things, and get clues. To the first point, the deck packs 2 No Stone Unturned to help you quickly find Analytical Mind, so you can start tossing icons at your Minh-ions with reckless abandon. To the second point, Deciphered Reality can do some serious work once your Minh-ions have opened up the board and there are clues to be found. I chose Forewarned over A Test of Will due to how good a well placed Inquiring Mind can be, and how True Understanding works when given to someone else. Eidetic Memory has some amazing use here, as a third copy of any of the events except Emergency Cache or Lucky!.

Send your Minh-ions forth!