Pushed to the Limit
  • Q: How does Pushed to the Limit interact with Fire Extinguisher (3) that's in my discard pile if I choose to exile Fire Extinguisher instead of discarding it? A: Since Pushed to the Limit ignores all costs of resolving the ability on Fire Extinguisher, you would resolve the ability without paying the “cost” of exiling Fire Extinguisher, instead shuffling it back into your deck after evading. (March 2024)
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La Comtesse
  • Q: When La Comtesse is defeated and added to the player's hand: (1) Is the card considered an enemy? (2) If it is an enemy, does that enemy engaged with the player? Will it attack the player during the enemy phase? (3) How does La Comtesse interact with Bury Them Deep? A: The “Hidden” keyword received a small update in later campaigns (such as The Dream-Eaters) that should help clarify these interactions. When a hidden enemy is in your hand, it is not considered to be engaged with you or in your threat area, and does not attack during the enemy phase; only its constant abilities are active and only you can trigger any abilities on it. La Comtesse’s Forced ability takes precedence over Bury them Deep; she will enter your hand and Bury them Deep won’t be able to add her to the victory display. (March 2024)
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  • Q: Can enemies move into Parlor even when investigators are blocked by the barrier? A: Yes; in The Gathering scenario, enemies can move into The Parlor even when the investigators are blocked by the barrier. (March 2024)
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Chuck Fergus
  • Q: Can I use the ability of Chuck Fergus to give an event fast to play an event outside of my turn? A: Fast cards can only be played outside of your turn if the fast card itself specifies so. Chuck Fergus giving an event fast outside of your turn does not get around this restriction. (March 2024)
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The Beyond
  • Q: For spirits attached to The Beyond: (1) Are they still considered assets or some other card type entirely? (2) Are they still considered under Jim's control? (3) If (2) is yes, if Jim fails a test on Crypt Chill and must choose and discard an asset he controls, can he choose to discard a spirit attached to The Beyond? (4) Can he play a card like Summoned Servitor, which requires him to discard a card he controls, to discard a spirit from play? (5) If the Vengeful Shade weakness in his Spirit deck is engaged with him, then defeated, is it placed in Jim's discard pile or at the bottom of the spirit deck? A: Yes, the spirits are still considered assets, but they are not Ally assets, and cannot be removed from play except by the abilities on The Beyond or abilities on the spirits themselves (e.g. Stray Cat). Jim could not discard a spirit from Crypt Chill or Summoned Servitor. And because the Spirit deck “owns” Vengeful Shade, if it entered play and was later defeated, it gets discarded to the bottom of the Spirit deck (per the rules for discarded spirits). (March 2024)
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