Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
Murder at the Excelsior Hotel Mythos Scenario Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 1 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 1
The Murder Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 2 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 2
Special Investigation Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 3 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 3
What Happened...? Mythos Act Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 4 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 4
Following Leads Mythos Act Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 5 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 5
Bloodstained Dagger: The Murder Weapon Neutral 1 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Melee. Cursed. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 6 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 6
What Have You Done? Neutral Treachery Madness. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 7 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 7
Sergeant Monroe: Two Days Until Retirement Neutral 5 Asset. Ally Ally. Police. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 8 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 8
Arkham Officer Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Police. Innocent. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 9 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 9-11
Room 225: Scene of the Crime Mythos Location Crime Scene. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 10 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 12
Suite Balcony Mythos Location Crime Scene. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 11 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 13
Second Floor Hall Mythos Location Hall. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 12 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 14
Foyer Mythos Location Hall. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 13 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 15
Restaurant Mythos Location Hall. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 14 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 16
Hotel Roof Mythos Location Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 15 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 17
Room 212 Mythos Location Crime Scene. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 16 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 18
Room 245 Mythos Location Crime Scene. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 17 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 19
Office Mythos Location Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 18 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 20
Basement Mythos Location Crime Scene. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 19 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 21
Mr. Trombly: Maddened Concierge Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Staff. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 20 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 22
Conspicuous Staff Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Staff. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 21 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 23-25
Hotel Guest Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Guest. Innocent. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 22 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 26-29
Noxious Fumes Mythos Treachery Hazard. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 23 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 30-31
Driven to Madness Mythos Treachery Curse. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 24 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 32-34
Blood on your Hands Mythos Treachery Terror. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 25 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 35-38
Incriminating Evidence Mythos Treachery Evidence. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 26 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 39-40
Violent Outburst Mythos Treachery Curse. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 27 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 41-43
Alien Device: Machinations from Beyond Neutral Asset Lead. Extraterrestrial. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 28 Alien Interference 1
Otherworldly Meddler: Presence from Beyond the Stars Mythos Enemy Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 29 Alien Interference 2
Encephalon Signal Mythos Treachery Hazard. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 30 Alien Interference 3-5
Manager's Key: Stained by Blood Neutral Asset Lead. Key. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 31 Excelsior Management 1
Hotel Manager: Let the Feast Begin Mythos Enemy Monster. Staff. Elite. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 32 Excelsior Management 2
Hotel Security Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Monster. Staff. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 33 Excelsior Management 3-5
Tome of Rituals: Blasphemous Volume Neutral Asset Lead. Tome. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 34 Dark Rituals 1
Dimensional Shambler Mythos Enemy Monster. Extradimensional. Elite. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 35 Dark Rituals 2
Cultist of the Enclave Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 36 Dark Rituals 3-5
Sinister Solution: Vile Concoction Neutral Asset Lead. Science. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 37 Vile Experiments 1
Harvested Brain Mythos Treachery Ancient. Science. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 38 Vile Experiments 2
Morbid Awareness Mythos Treachery Hazard. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 39 Vile Experiments 3-5
Time-Worn Locket: Mournful Vision of the Past Neutral Asset Lead. Charm. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 40 Sins of the Past 1
Vengeful Specter: The First Victim Mythos Enemy Monster. Geist. Elite. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 41 Sins of the Past 2
Chilling Presence Mythos Treachery Terror. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 42 Sins of the Past 3-5
The True Culprit (v. I) Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 43 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 44
The True Culprit (v. II) Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 44 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 45
The True Culprit (v. III) Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 45 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 46
The True Culprit (v. IV) Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 46 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 47
The True Culprit (v. V) Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 47 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 48
The True Culprit (v. VI) Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 48 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 49
The True Culprit (v. VII) Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 49 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 50
The True Culprit (v. VIII) Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 50 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 51
The True Culprit (v. IX) Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 51 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 52
The True Culprit (v. X) Mythos Agenda Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 52 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 53