- Q: Under FAQ 2.0, section Card Ability Interpretation 2.23 ("For each" or "for every"), an effect with "for each" gets bundled together if possible, but can be resolved as separate effects if that's impossible. How does this affect the Level 4 Armageddon/Eye of Chaos/Shroud of Shadows? Do you resolve all the curse token effects as a single cumulative effect once you're finished drawing tokens, or are they resolved as separate effects, one each time a curse token is revealed? A: Each curse token is resolved as a separate effect (one at a time, as they’re revealed from the chaos bag), because each reveal requires a specific choice to be made: add 1 charge, or deal damage/discover a clue/move.
Asset. Arcane
Spell. Cursed.
Cost: 4. XP: 4.
Uses (3 charges).
Spend 1 charge: Fight. This attack uses instead of . You get +2 and deal +1 damage for this attack. For each token revealed during this attack, you may deal 1 damage to an enemy at your location or place 1 charge on Armageddon.

Related Cards
- Armageddon (In Too Deep #117)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
At this moment i think the safest way to use these -asset spells (alongside Eye of Chaos and Shroud of Shadows) is with Luke Robinson. The most effective usage of these spells comes with drawing one or even more -tokens. This comes with the advantage of getting bonuses even when missing the skill check, but also with the disadvantage to have to deal with an additional modifier of -2 (-4, -6, and so on). Therefore you want to draw -tokens but also need a way to compensate their drawback. So why Luke Robinson?
First of all every mystic can make use of Favor of the Moon to guarantee the draw of at least one -token. To compensate the penalty you can name this token with Recall the Future. Or as Luke Robinson you can pray to your Blasphemous Convenant to turn this one in an actual bonus to your willpower (combined with Recall the Future to +3 bonus). As an additional bonus the token goes back in the bag.
But how to generate these -tokens? Sadly mystics do not have a lot of ways to generate them. Promise of Power is a great skill card and highly recommended with this cursed style of play, but fortunately Luke can use Deep Knowledge to draw the needed combo pieces and fill up the bag. Furthermore he can use Stirring Up Trouble in high shroud places to flood the bag with these nasty tokens and get some easy clues. Fey is another skill that functions quite well with these kind of spells.
In the end it can only be said if you draw Dread Blessing as your weakness, you could actually call yourself lucky!