Joe Diamond #AllBlueAllYellowAllTheTime

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Assussanni · 600

All yellow all the time? But seekers are so bad at combat, the party will be half-dead the first time a swarm of rats so much as looks at them funny. What they really need is someone to protect them, some sort of... guardian. Enter Roland Ba- oh no, wait, I see you’ve written over that with the name “Joe Diamond” and scrawled “Private” in front of “Investigator” on your police badge. Very clever Roland. I mean, “Joe” (winks).

This deck packs all the weaponry you need to keep your fragile seekers safe from harm, along with the means to find it and keep it filled to the brim.

Joe’s combat score of 4 is pretty good, but he’s got the cards he needs to help him hit when it’s most important. Of course, sometimes he won’t even need to hit at all. And if he can’t hit back? Maybe he won’t get hit either.

And hunches? It can’t be a coincidence that there are exactly the right number of Guardian cards to make a legal hunch deck. It’s almost like FFG is telling us that this is what we should do! Maybe Joe has a hunch that letting this monster eat him or his friends would be a bad idea. Or that would be a good idea to do something about that wound. Good hunches, Joe! I can see why you’re in this business.

What’s that? You say that Working a Hunch is objectively better than Evidence! in the hunch deck? Well I say shutupitsnotabluecarditsmydeckandIcandowhatIlike. So there.