Carolyn of the Jungle

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LeonardQuirm · 33

This is the deck I just finished The Forgotten Age with - 3 players (with Agnes Baker and Mark Harrigan), Normal difficulty, achieved R1 in Shattered Aeons.

It began as almost a pure cluever but developed into more healing as the campaign went on. It's a surprising amount of fun being a focused Seeker from a different faction!

The heart of the deck is obviously in the static intellect boosts. With Death • XIII, Dr. Milan Christopher, Alice Luxley and St. Hubert's Key all in play you have a base intellect of 8, and many of your investigations will be with Fingerprint Kit to be at 9 - with 2 clues, a resource and a testless damage thrown in as benefits. With this in mind, Charisma is your first crucial upgrade, but Emergency Cache (3) is remarkably important to keep your Fingerprint Kits charged.

Healing-wise: Shrewd Analysis-Ancient Stone is a well known trick for Carolyn and well worth it as the fastest and most efficient way to get her healing working. The upgraded Clarity of Mind and First Aid are reasonably good additions, but possibly overkill, and the Thermos did good work in the trauma-heavy Forgotten Age campaign but probably isn't worth it in others. And Deny Existence is obviously ridiculously good, especially for keeping your health in good shape.

Some key value from being Guardian came when I added Stick to the Plan. There's only three targets in the deck to attach, but they're all fantastic to have there: Emergency Cache (3), Ever Vigilant and Dynamite Blast are a great utility trio for setup and emergencies. Mind over Matter is a useful get out clause (and I somewhat regretted cutting a second copy over the Mists of R'lyeh - Carolyn's will isn't strong enough to make good use of it, unlike her intellect).

All told, I really enjoyed playing this deck. It might not have quite the speed of a traditional Seeker cluever, but it's about as powerful when it is picking up clues and the side-line of healing is good to mean you're not completely linearly focused. If you haven't tried Clue Carolyn yet, give her a shot!