Calvin Blursed Innsmouth CPA

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neifarious · 42

This one I am not nearly as happy with as Mateo. I feel like I'm going in too many directions. Also note, this is the level 0 deck Besides Ancient Covenant. I Feel like before we have any xp there isn't that much Bless Payoff for us. Mateo starts with 5 XP so he got a few nice things to play with and hits the ground running. Calvin isn't so lucky. I determined that going a fail-forward route for the first few scenarios would be best, then pivot it into a Bless deck. Here's what I've got so far.

Bless Generation: I expect . . .

Token of Faith: to replace curses with bless tokens.

Predestined: To fill the bag with blesses when we fail tests.

Fail Tech: I expect. . . .

Granny Orne- To give us a static boost and help us fail by less

Grit Your Teeth- Give me a flat bonus to all my skills after a fail.

.18 Derringer/Old Keyring - Help us deal with enemies and find clues without punishing us for failing.

Live and Learn - To allow us to retry important tests with a bonus

Take Heart - Resources and Cards from failues

Other Cards: I expect. . .

Counterpunch - To give us a chance to hit back after we take damage, which buffs us!

Other cards

One-Two Punch: To help us do huge damage to enemies until we get Radiant Smite.

Ward of Protection- Protect me from the worst of the encounter deck while also adding horror to boost our stats at the same time.

Leather Coat- To keep us from taking too much damage.

The First 10xp- When we really become a Bless Deck.

Ancient Covenant - this card reads "pass a test" basically. Auto-include in (almost) any bless deck that can take it.

Spirit of Humanity - Two of these, might actually be the best card in Innsmouth for Calvin. Does literally everything we want to do. Heals us and adds which Mateo can take advantage of and damages us to pump our stats and add . Whats not to like?

Radiant Smite and Riastrad (I cant figure out how to link it.) - Big nukes to do big damage. If we use it smart Smite won't actually remove those tokens from the bag. Going to be useful.

The next 10 - MORE BLESSINGS!

Jacob Morrison - A lucky on tap, he's going to replace Granny Orne. It essentially gives us a +2 to all of our stats at all times. Decent soak as well.

Signum Crucis - Calvins Base of 0 in everything means this, if I'm reading it correctly, adds a whopping SIX to the bag. I'm hoping the deck feels good at this point, but theres a couple other cool thingng coming up in...

30xp wow! if we even get this much, heres the plan-

A Watchful Peace- we don't have recursion, but this is still great. Lets us skip the most challenging part of the game.

Favor of the sun - I should absolutely get this sooner but I didn't say I was building an optimal deck. I'll probably pull the trigger on this earlier than now, however.

Upgrades of: Lucky, Counter Punch, etc. - These are just icing. They don't contribute to the Bless plan but are quite nice to have anyways.

I'm really not sure I love this. I'm not using duplicate cards (only one collection) and something feels off here. I don't think Im getting much mileage from the Derringer/Keyring, but who knows maybe itll perform beyond my expectations. I'll post updates in 3-4 scenarios, hopefully we're still alive by then...