Doom Curious? Ask Daisy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PJFrigate · 329

Hello, and welcome to the fourth in my series of decks designed to make the doom mechanic less intimidating and more fun. The first three decks can be found here (Pete), here (Jim), and here (Sefina). For the reasons I outline at the beginning of the Pete deck, I'm aiming these primarily at solo play.

Note: While I don't claim that the other decks in this series are especially powerful--rather, they are functional decks designed around an inherently challenging mechanic--I think this one might actually strike gold. Warning, though: It's a real brain-burner!

In this deck, Parallel (front and back) Daisy juggles tomes, allies, events and doom between her draw pile, hand, play area, and even discard pile! It has a lot of moving parts and definitely benefits from forethought in essentially every phase of each round. Generally speaking, I'd try to leverage non-doom solutions early in an agenda and then pile on the doom late in the agenda, but maybe hold back a Moonlight Ritual just in case....

Key cards and combos:

Bounce Research Librarian and Library Docent in and out with Calling in Favors. This combo cheaply and quickly recharges Schoffner's Catalogue and Occult Lexicon, ramps up your Willpower by making more tomes available to you, and most importantly clears doom from Abyssal Tome and De Vermis Mysteriis.

Forced Learning gives you so much flexibility to address immediate needs, while De Vermis Mysteriis ensures no discarded event is out of reach. Adding the The Raven Quill (with Supernatural Record) means even your key tomes are never lost forever.

I just can't get enough of String of Curses: Use the first ability from your hand, then immediately tap the second ability from your discard pile via De Vermis Mysteriis.

Research Librarian and Calling in Favors help you reliably hit Astounding Revelations, but Forced Learning means you'll rarely have to stick a Revelation in your hand--and, if that happens, it's no-regret discard fodder for Occult Lexicon and Occult Invocation.

Speaking of discard fodder, don't sweat an early draw of Delve Too Deep. You can play it from your discard pile in your final turn using De Vermis Mysteriis, then dip.

Investigation (4/5): Deduction's clue acceleration is good enough for solo. Daisy's base 5 Knowledge plus skills boosts that pay other dividends will keep you rolling on the clue front.

Combat (4/5): Occult Lexicon and Occult Invocation allow you to finetune your attack strength and damage. Fire up the Abyssal Tome as the witching hour approaches. And I still can't get over how much I love String of Curses!

Evasion (3/5): String of Curses is SO good. Choose Manual Dexterity instead for non-hunters.

Economy (4/5): It's a very cheap deck and it gets cheaper as you play (with ally discounts from Calling in Favors and tome discounts from Library Docent). Astounding Revelation and Schoffner's Catalogue keep you topped off.

Card Draw (3.5/5): Forced Learning, De Vermis Mysteriis, and (eventually) the upgraded The Raven Quill make their own very fun minigame. Scroll of Secrets is there primarily in case your other tomes don't show up early--it's cheap, fast, and effective at finding a replacement for itself or even dodging a weakness. Forced Learning, Occult Lexicon and Occult Invocation mean you'll be discarding a TON of cards, so Deep Knowledge and Preposterous Sketches are very important. Eight of your skill cards also have the potential to immediately replace themselves with another card.

Vitality (4/5): Tons of ally soak, Bizarre Diagnosis, and a Sanity pool that will easily reach 11. Daisy's come a long way since the Core Set days! Dr. William T. Maleson is so versatile, but ideally he's late-game soak after the other allies have you all set up. He's also insurance against whiffing on Calling in Favors.

Other Cards to Consider: Geared Up is normally great in Parallel Daisy, but Forced Learning dilutes its effectiveness. If the Geared Up math makes sense to you, though, I'd swap out the Delve Too Deep for a #backpack. It's also hard not to include The Raven Quill in the Level 0 deck if you already know you'll want it later. Most of the cards I've listed in the Side Deck would make Down the Rabbit Hole perfectly viable--it just depends on your upgrade path.

Upgrades: Knowledge is Power is soooo good with the doom tomes! I don't think this deck gives you many upgrade options on the Mystic side--if you agree, strongly consider Down the Rabbit Hole up front and let that be your guide.

Anyway, I'd really love to hear what you like or dislike, what you'd do differently, etc. Please post a comment and get the dialog started! And if you are following this series, please suggest a future investigator for me to tackle. In any case, thank you for reading this!


Feb 11, 2023 DarkPuntito · 1

Peter jarius frigate hmmmmmmmm