Darrell Photographs Some Slimes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

killahgraham · 19

This is a standalone take on a Scavenging Darrel deck I have been iterating on and have played mostly successfully through several campaigns now. Planning to play this at a Blob that Ate Everything Else event at PAX Unplugged 2023.

Despite having been defeated very early on by his weakness plenty of times now, Darrel has still been fighting for my favorite investigator spot since his release. I became increasingly interested in building around Short Supply after realizing it occasionally removes the looming threat of Ruined Film and/or other weaknesses floating around in your top 10 cards. 39 XP may be a little greedy but Short Supply does help to mitigate the drawbacks somewhat.

From there you want to make the most of the player cards you dump, so Scavenging is a natural pairing with a 5 printed intellect on top of Resourceful and 1x Scrounge for Supplies. In the hand slots I'm cycling through Ice Pick for clues/small fights and support/utility in the form of Hyperphysical Shotcaster with Railshooter+Telescanner+Reality Collapser+Empowered Configuration and Alchemical Distillation with Calming Distillate+Mending Distillate+Quickening Distillate.

Rounding out the deck are a handful more 1x items that can be fished from the discard and what should be 2x Dr. Milan Christopher as an ally. Empirical Hypothesis with Field Research is extra evidence generation and there are the usual suspects in Darrel of Shed a Light, Exploit Weakness, and Gumption.

I am still fairly new to the Blob scenario, but I made some specific choices here in order to better attack it at PAX. 1x Alter Fate and a recurring Shotcaster with Reality Collapser can fight against some of the very annoying treacheries which can show up on locations and threat areas. Protective Gear and Disc of Itzamna can help fight back against enemies and Hazards in the encounter deck and provide even more value when recurred with Scavenging. Finally, more resisting the encounter deck and synergy with Short Supply in the form of Grizzled with Always Prepared and Ooze/Monster/Attack. Grizzled can be lurking in the discard pile ready to return to hand as early as the first mythos phase and should let me consistently have a response to problematic enemies and tests.

Wish me luck, I'll try to remember to report back on how it all went!


Dec 03, 2023 killahgraham · 19

Reporting back after PAX Unplugged! Regrettably, we were all devoured by the blob with only 35 health remaining at the end of time. That being said, deck worked like a charm! Scenario spoilers omitted, I was the sole surviving investigator at the end of it. Grizzled did so much work ensuring my cards were not devoured and once I established the powerful cycling of Scavenging with my hand slot assets, I was able to be effective doing just about anything required by the group (which was the goal)! Would definitely recommend and if I don’t have any other ideas I’d consider something like this again in a future standalone.