Rex's Vacation with Friends to Dunwich v. 3.5 (Up to BotA)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BlackHandGang · 8

This is my Rex deck for a 4 player Dunwich Run with William Yorick, Jim Culver, and Jenny Barnes.

Basically it's a clue hoover deck that also let's me have some more verscitility if needed with those clues.

Upgrade Path

The Dunwich Legacy

1.) Extracurricular Activities - 7 XP

2.) The House Always Wins - 7 XP

  • 2x Deduction -> 2x Deduction - We decided to do two scenarios and I wasn't sure what to upgrade that soon, but I knew the upgraded version is pretty good.

3.) The Miskatonic Museum - 4 XP

  • 2x Shortcut -> 2x Shortcut - One I saw this card in Pallid Mask, i knew it would be a key movement card, especially in Dunwich.
  • 2x Strange Solution -> 2x In The Know - I needed to get Strange Solution solved by know for it to be useful and I just never was able to get the card out to do anything with it. So I decided to cut it and add In the know since ability to get clues on other locations will be really useful for multiple scenarios coming up.

4.) Essex County Express - 2 XP

5.) Blood on the Altar - 5 XP

  • no changes here, not sure both what to remove and what to add. Any suggestions?