Carlson Sinclair - Who are you sir? You are... Batman!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Topomaximo · 3

The idea behind this deck is to provide pure support for at least two investigators: one fighter and one cluever.

The goal is for Carson to use his actions to make his specialist teammates shine, without having to pass any skill tests himself. Instead of investing a bunch of cards to make Carson do one main task less efficiently, Carson will ignore any non-mandatory skill tests and focus all his actions on helping his teammates.

The deck is designed to have a lot of damage and horror soak, so Carson can tank as much as possible for his team, especially when he levels up his Armor and switches Tetsuo out for Girish Kadakia.

I’ve only included one copy of most assets, except for Safeguard, which I think is key for assisting your teammates) and the Bracelets, since you might want both at some point, plus hey, your hands are free!.

The reason for having just one copy of most assets is that the idea is to have a lot of card draw (thanks to Thorough Inquiry) to do a first deck cycle where you will find all your soak and will have resources to pay for them. Then, in the second cycle, you can focus on shoveling cards to your teammates.

As you gain experience, we'll improve the soak and prioritize the Police Badge + Guidance combo to give your teammates two turns per deck cycle, with 5 actions each and +1 to all their stats (thanks @Docbees for your idea here). Combine that with the +2 per turn from Mr. Kadakia (x2 if you give him some motivation, and they'll be able to handle anything. Throw in Shortcut so they don’t have to waste actions moving (and neither do you, thanks to Safeguard), and you’ll turn them into Batman while you play the role of Alfred in the shadow.

First Watch along with Obsidian Bracelet should give your teammates peaceful nights, allowing them to sleep soundly while you watch over them. Self-Sacrifice will let you take one for the team and give yourself cards (in the first cycle) or hand them off to your teammates (in the second cycle).

Finally, the Dynamite is just there for emergencies when too many enemies pile up. Hug them all and go BOOM without a care in the world—after all, you’ve seen worse.

All this said... I haven't tested this deck yet ;-) I'll update this, once it is done, until then, have fun if you try it!

Experience Priorities:

Tetsuo Mori >> Girish Kadakia: 4XP

Hunter’s Armor: 6XP

  • Protective Runes
  • Durable
  • Hallowed

Guidance -> Guidance (1): 2XP

2x Stand Together >> 2x Stand Together (2): 6XP

2x Emergency Cache -> 2x I’ve had Worse(2): 4XP

2x Self-Sacrifice -> 2x Police Badge: 4XP

2x I’ve had Worse (2) -> 2x I’ve had Worse (5): 6XP

2x Vicious Blow -> 2x Vicious Blow (2): 4XP