Running Interference

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Apologised · 4

A fairly basic Wendy deck that emphasises a balance between investigating and STABBING MONSTERS IN THE JUNK. Wendy's high evade value and rogue card access makes her a strong evasion based utility investigator that this deck emphasises with cards like Eavesdrop, Sneak Attack, Backstab and Waylay.

For investigating, Lantern, Newspaper, and Eavesdrop are your primary tools. With an eye for replacing something with some Lockpicks when available.
Scavenging can work with Lockpicks, as you can start to rotate discarded items (Like another set of lockpicks! Or a tossed Lantern, or a ruined Leather Coat) back into your hand, either for your ability or just to put them back into play.

For murderin' Wendy has all of the usual rogue goodies that a high evade character (like Serafina) can use. Backstab for an expensive 3 damage shot, Sneak Attack for when you don't want to risk or cant use a Waylay attempt and Cheap Shot for low attack, high evade enemies you need to exhaust for a turn. The Lantern has distinct uses for finishing off that last niggling point of damage on 3hp enemies. Waylay is damn vicious, especially on certain scenarios, and the ability to just instagib high health/low evade enemies in two actions is well worth the price.

XP evolution for this deck is hard to say for certain. Upgrading the Newspaper is a good idea, as of course will be the Emergency Cache. But beyond Lockpicks it's hard to say where to go with this deck. You can take the Lucky Dice though, which works well with Wendy Adams's ability. Pickpocketing would be good as it would help your resource draw.


Jun 12, 2018 Django · 4926

Her amulet recovers from events, not assets like lockpick.

Jun 12, 2018 Apologised · 4

No. It's the opposite of that. Events get shoved back into her deck (which makes Amulet of Ys pretty good on her now that I think of it) Normal discards you can just play off the top of your discard.

"You may play the topmost event in your discard pile as if it were in your hand.

Forced - After you play an event: Place it on the bottom of your deck instead of in your discard pile."


Jun 12, 2018 Apologised · 4

Wait. Hold up. Wut?

Jun 12, 2018 Apologised · 4

Oh, Okay. I see how it is.