Arkham Woods - Back

Growing up, you were always warned to stay out of the woods at night. Now you know why.

Arkham Woods
Old House



Shroud: 2. Clues: 1.

This location is investigated using instead of the skill indicated by the investigation attempt.

A house at the edge of the trail, covered in vines. Inside, the walls and floors are bloodstained and littered with dirt, mud, and discarded bones.
Julian Kok
Core Set #152. The Devourer Below #11.
Arkham Woods
Arkham Woods


No faqs yet for this card.


This is an interesting location, if you are using Read the Signs. Of course, you could simply ignore the effect, which might make sense, if for instance Marie wants to commit Enraptured or Luke (in a 3 or 4 game) Deduction. But if you don't ignore the effect, you can investigate with twice your . While it doesn't hurt, it's probably overkill for most , even on expert, on a 2 shroud location. Unless the bag is full of -tokens, or Agnes wants to Draw Thin.

As pointed out below, Read the Signs won't be able to ignore that one.

Susumu · 372
Double good for Agnes if she's also running her Bad Blood front and can shuffle RtS back in. — SGPrometheus · 827
Read the Signs doesn't ignore this, since it's not a triggered ability or a triggered-ability-like keyword, though. — Thatwasademo · 58
(You may want to check the FAQ on the page for Read the Signs before you do any more reviews for this project you've mentioned) — Thatwasademo · 58
You are absolutely right. I didn't read the FAQ thoroughly, because it was quite obviouse to me, it does not work with "Locked Doors", due to the second reason. Good to know, I will edit this review, and take the new gained knowledge into account on other cards. Thank you! — Susumu · 372