Khopesh of the Abyss
Manifested Malice

Asset. Hand x2

Item. Weapon. Relic. Melee.

Cost: 4.


: Fight. You get +3 and deal +1 damage for this attack.

After you defeat an enemy using Khopesh of the Abyss, exhaust it: Choose an enemy at another revealed location. Disengage from each other enemy engaged with you and move to the chosen enemy's location. Then, engage that enemy.

Guillaume Ducos
Guardians of the Abyss #57. Abyssal Gifts #1.
Khopesh of the Abyss


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This does not look like a good weapon. Don't judge a sword by its.... Scabbard?

characters don't like it because it is only so-much better then a Machete or .45 Automatic and takes away a slot or you intend to get a big gun later anyway. But then. Whats the harm in an additional big weapon that doesn't count against deck slots? Consistency and efficiency is the name of the game and this big-ass sword is a great way to add a little weapon-finding consistency to your deck mid-campaign.

Non- might have dramatically different opinions. The massive +3 to hit can turn a mediocre fighter into a warmachine. "Skids" O'Toole, Finn Edwards, Diana Stanley, fighting at +6. Rita Young or Silas Marsh with their inability to gain superior in-faction weapons that will last them an entire scenario will be looking at Timeworn Brand as a main weapon, if you happen to find one of these on the way that'd be outright awesome, if only for consistency's sake!


So, with the "who wants it" covered, lets look at what it does.

Its an infinite use +3 +1 damage weapon, at this moment that's the largest + infinite weapon in the game. So damn yes that's got the attention of the fighty characters.

And then there's the ability to literally teleport around the map, to wherever more opponents might hide. This ability wont always be useful. In solo you can expect a couple maps per campaign where you're chasing a Doom carrier or some scenario specific agent, the saved actions as you shift around the map, batman-style, are terrific, but definitely not always useful. This ability ramps up very quickly in usefulness when you're fighting the threats that come into play in a 3 or 4-player game though, also note that the Khopesh lets you bypass the Aloof keyword.


So yes, I don't think this is ever a bad weapon to put into a deck that's interested in killing enemies and not hugely dependent on hand slots. Even if it's not as good as a Lightning Gun, just keep in mind the importance of consistency.

Tsuruki23 · 2516
Technically, Hungering Blade can get up to +3, but it takes a lot of time to do that, and you might take some horror if you draw Bloodlust at the wrong time. I think it's also worth mentioning that Dr. Elli Horowitz can grab this sword for you, as it's a relic. Ornate Bow is much better for this with Ursula, but I think some Jim decks also run Elli. Might be pretty good with him. — Zinjanthropus · 227

This could be good for Rita, who in a larger party doesn’t need her hands for magnifying glasses or newspapers. And engaging another enemy means you can just evade and either do damage or move for free. Zoom around the map, rescuing other investigators and letting everyone else do their job. A brand Nubian way to look at the Khopesh.

MrGoldbee · 1440
I presume you meant flashlight instead of magnifying glass. — Death by Chocolate · 1422
Teamwork, baby! — MrGoldbee · 1440
...I feel like you have better things to shuffle with teamwork than a +1 Int onto a 2 Int ‘gator. — Death by Chocolate · 1422
Like the Khopesh! — MrGoldbee · 1440

I have a question about using this card effectively. I'm playing as Nathaniel Cho with Bandolier and Boxing Gloves and I think the card is a cool fit. I think the economy is there. I have Emergency Cache on Stick to the Plan and I used Versatile to cheat in a copy of Astounding Revelation to be able to effectively have 10 resources turn 1. Additionally, I'm running Clean Them Out, "I've had worse…", and Stand Together to help keep resources flowing without slowing the game down.

I've considered running Relentless as well since Nathaniel has a tendency to (or at least the ability to) deal overkill damage.

Setup-wise I don't mind waiting until Bandolier comes in. In the absolute worst case scenario this is a 2 will or 2 might commit in an otherwise perfectly functioning deck. In the best case, I kill something and teleport to an aloof an enemy with doom and engage it. Everyone cheers as Nathaniel the Flying Boxer kills a 1 health cultist.

My problem every time I try to run this in a deck, my friends say "I don't want to do the Guardians of the Abyss side quest". What can I do about this?

SorryLaurie · 569
Talk to them and ask why they don't want to play the scenario again and try to find a solution? For example you can offer to buy it with xp like other cards (I think 5 XP would be my first shot for this compared with the brand) — Tharzax · 1
It's hard and require some luck to get the Khopesh if you're doing a blind run at Guardians of the Abyss for the first time, esp. playing with hard/expert difficulty. But the Guardian side quest is really fun and challenging. Your friends are missing out. — liwl0115 · 41