Roland Banks
The Fed
Agency. Detective.
- 3
- 3
- 4
- 2
Health: 9.
Sanity: 5.
At deck creation, choose 3 different Directive assets to add to your deck.
: Flip a Directive asset facedown (ignoring its permanent keyword). (Limit once per game.)
effect: +2. Choose a Directive asset. You may ignore its regulation ability this round.
"If I stir up trouble, Sheriff, it will be because there's trouble to stir up."
Magali Villeneuve
By the Book #24.
Roland Banks - Back
Deck size: 30.
Deckbuilding Options: Guardian cards () level 0-3, Insight cards level 0-3, Tactic cards level 0-3, Neutral cards level 0-5.
Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Roland's .38 Special, Cover Up, 1 random basic weakness.
Bonus Experience: You begin the campaign with 5 additional experience (does not affect the number of weakneses you must take in Standalone Mode).
Roland had always taken comfort in procedure and rules. As an agent in the Bureau, he was relieved to have guidelines to follow in any given situation. But lately, his Federal Agent's Handbook had been entirely unhelpful given the cases he'd been assigned. Try as he might, Roland could find no mention of what to do when confronted with strange creatures, gates through time and space, or magic spells. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it... and there's no way his superiors would understand.

Investigator Cards
- Roland's .38 Special (Core Set #6)
- Cover Up (Core Set #7)
- Mysteries Remain (The Dirge of Reason #5)
- The Dirge of Reason (The Dirge of Reason #6)
- Roland's .38 Special (By the Book #30)
- Cover Up (By the Book #31)
Deck Building
Search for cards usable by this investigatorRelated Cards
- Roland Banks: The Fed (Core Set #1)
- Roland Banks: The Fed (Revised Core Set #1)
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