Daisy Walker Dunwich solo campaign - 6: Where Doom Awaits

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scheckel · 107

Warning: contains campaign spoilers up to Where Doom Awaits

Trying the Dunwich campaign with Daisy solo. I think she now has enough tools available to do that.

Doing the campaign between the release of Where Doom Awaits and Lost in Time and Space and after having failed miserably with Agnes Baker on the way to Sentinel Peak. But I was thinking that Daisy should be quite at home in that scenario, so let's try if I can get her there.

Scenario 1a: Extracurricular Activity

Scenario plans:

  • Doing the university first and the Clover Club second is for trying to finally get the support of the O'Bannions; haven't managed that yet. From an efficiency point of view it would probably be better to switch the scenarios, as Daisy should have no problem with using the Alchemical Concoction

  • Just get in, find "Jazz" Mulligan and save the students. No ambitions to save Professor Warren Rice or kill The Experiment.

Scenario result:

Nothing extraordinary happened, I even found the time to play both my Delve Too Deep, so I ended up with 4 xp.

Campaign Log:

  • Professor Warren Rice was kidnapped
  • the students were rescued

Scenario 1b: The House Always Wins

deck changes:

Scenario plans:

Scenario result:

So much about plans... It didn't start too well, as I didn't find any ally in my opening hand (+ mulligan) and wasted some time on terrible investigation draws at La Bella Luna. So I had to backtrack to the bar once I drew into an ally and there the agenda flipped on me and I got Servant of the Lurker, Clover Club Pit Boss and a Mobster all piling up on me. Luckily the Servant woud get rid of the criminals, so I left him (it?) with a single hp ... but sadly lost the VP from the Pit Boss. It was far too late now to have any chance at saving Peter Clover, therefore I simply gathered up the VP-locations, played a Delve Too Deep standing on the exit and resigned. I didn't end up on the better side of the O'Bannions but with the extra XP from the resolution managed to get quite nice 5 XP to spend. Not to forget Dr. Henry Armitage, who should help mitigate the resource dependency of the deck.

Campaign Log:

  • the O’Bannion gang has a bone to pick with the investigators
  • Dr. Francis Morgan was kidnapped

Scenario 2: The Miskatonic Museum

deck changes:

Scenario plans:

Scenario result:

I think this was one of the most fun and at the same time most tense runs through the Museum. Some highlights:

  • the Exhibit Hall: Restricted Hall was the last hall revealed; in addition the first hall I searched was the Athabaskan Exhibit, so even if I wanted I couldn't speed things up by skipping one of the earlier halls due to a lack of clues.
  • Dr. Henry Armitage is indeed a great resource machine. But at the same time I didn't want to drop below Higher Education's 5 hand cards or draw too much due to Beyond the Veil. This made for some interesting decisions.
  • Nevertheless I almost ran out of cards: I finished the scenario with only 2 cards left in my deck.
  • I managed to play one copy of Delve Too Deep, cleared 4 of the five VP-locations (the fifth happened to have an Obscuring Fog and a Locked Door attached to it, so I passed on that...), resulting in another yummy 5 XP. Oh,and I definitly kept the Necronomicon: (almost) free resources for Daisy? Sign me up. (who cares about )
  • Adam Lynch survived ... right until the last mythos phase when some treachery forced another one or two points of damage on me and I allready took some bruises (equals near death for Daisy...). So sadly I had to add that token, which I rather would have avoided.

Campaign Log:

  • the investigators took custody of the Necronomicon

Scenario 3: The Essex County Express

deck changes:

Scenario plans:

Scenario result:

Well I actually ran a bit too fast: I stumbeled woefully underprepared into the Dining Car and got ripped to pieces by the Grappling Horror. A rather stupid and unnecessary mistake, as I did quite well up to that point, I was a minimum of 3 or 4 turns in advance of the "destruction wave". No surprise there, as most cars are about finding clues. So I simply should have drawn some cards and geared some more up before taking on the other cars.

Oh well, there goes my resource engine and enters my first trauma and an extra treachery and all I got was one pitty XP due to the resolution.

Campaign Log:

  • the Necronomicon was stolen
  • Dr. Henry Armitage was kidnapped
  • the investigators were delayed on their way to Dunwich

Scenario 4: Blood on the Altar

deck changes: none, only 1 XP from the last scenario

Scenario plans:

  • Now that we know what result hacking Silas Bishop to pieces has, I definitly plan to gather the clues. Sadly I'll have to do it without the wisdom of the The Necronomicon and all five scenario allies are up for sacrifice.

Scenario result:

Wow. I definitly am going to die horribly in one of the next scenarios just to compensate that immense streak of luck in this one. Both The Hidden Chamber and the Key to the Chamber were on the first two locations I investigated and not a single Hunting Nightgaunt reared its malformed head in Dunwich during the whole game. Not that I (most likely) could have handled it, with the power of Encyclopedia and Higher Education enhanced Shrivelling or Song of the Dead Daisy can deal quit some punch now.

I even managed to finally identify my Strange Solution, so lots of options how to spend the 4 XP from this scenario (+ resolution)

Still, invesigating 8 clues at the end did take some time, so two poor souls couldn't be saved: Dr. Henry Armitage and Zebulon Whateley are out for good.

Of the remaining I opted to put Professor Warren Rice (plays into my strengthes) and Earl Sawyer (evasion should be a thing in the next scenario) into my deck and passed on Dr. Francis Morgan.

Campaign Log:

  • Sacrificed to Yog‑Sothoth:
    • Dr. Henry Armitage
    • Zebulon Whateley
  • the investigators banished Silas Bishop
  • Professor Warren Rice, Dr. Francis Morgan, Earl Sawyer survived The Dunwich Legacy

Scenario 5: Undimensioned and Unseen

deck changes: upgraded Magnifying Glass upgraded Strange Solution to the freezing variant (This should definitly come in handy in this scenario but will hopefully boost my survivability for the rest of the campaign.)

Scenario plans:

Scenario result: Lady Luck got a bit of a revenge on me this time: quite a bit of really bad investigation checks, the Brood moving most of the time to exactly that location I didn't want them to go (e.g. blocking the Ruins for a couple of turns), very few "transfere clues" locations etc. And for some reason the encouter deck exclusively choose to pile horror on me. I finally tried to run and resign after the second Brood was down, the third Brood was a real Towering Beast and the fourth Brood never showed up, so when that beast caught me and the encouter deck put an aditional Avian Thrall on me I actually was defeated by horror, something I thought almost impossible with Daisy... But I think I can live quite well with a mental trauma.

So after all's said and done: two Brood (and one invesigator) defeated (2 XP), two Brood escaped.

Campaign Log:

  • you calmed the townsfolk
  • 2 brood escaped into the wild

Scenario 6: Where Doom Awaits

deck changes: replaced Delve Too Deep with Disc of Itzamna (expands on the evasion route I've taken in the last scenarios)

Scenario plans:

I tried to set this up as "Daisy-friendly" as posible. Didn't quite manage it as intended, especially the loss of the The Necronomicon in the Essex County Express hurt. But let's see how she can handle the strange paths around Sentinel Hill.

Scenario result:

Now I'm somewhat troubled: Somehow I either get rather screwed by bad luck or incredible lucky, there seems to be no middle ground. This time it was the later, so I'll take it...

I did think that Daisy should do well in this scenario, but this was a genuine pleasure cruise: Up to Seth Bishop, I didn't encounter a single enemy. So with Seth out of the way and Sentinel Peak cleared I still had five or six turns "on the clock" so I cruised over to a recently spawned Crazed Shoggoth, put it out of its misery (thanks for the VP) and jogged back to the portal, to pay Yog‑Sothoth a final visit in the next scenario with 4 XP to spend. Maybe it will be enough for seeker's "big gun" asset that seems to be the theme for the next mythos pack.

Scenario highlight: For the first time drawing a -token when using Song of the Dead against the Crazed Shoggoth.

Campaign Log:

  • the investigators entered the gate