I'm Rexy and I know it - "Dunwich Legacy" Update

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
I'm Rexy and I know it 1 0 3 1.0
Inspiration for
I'm Rexy and I know it - "Blood on the Altar" Update 2 3 0 1.0

doldol161 · 26

Update after finish both quest in "Dunwich Legacy", Our party have Delve two times, once a quest.

We manage to get 6xp each quest.

Experience Spend

Mulligan Choice

To play this deck

The goal is investigate as fast as possible, Then help your mate with Cryptic Research if able.

  • Very first few turn you must have one or more +1 asset.
  • If you've a Pathfinder in play, you're in a very good spot.

If you have Scavenging in play, don't be afraid to commit any number of item in your hand.

  • Calculate those chaos token, if you always success (except ) be sure that you get Rex's ability fire.

After you've see Rex's Curse make sure you've Rabbit's Foot played as soon as possible, this will help you not to lose an action without anything.

Use Perception if your friend need to investigate or help them out of trouble.

  • If it not enough, use Inquiring Mind instead.
  • Deduction is only for yourself, be sure to get 3 clue with this action (except ).

Shortcut is available to everyone in your location, be clever about this.

  • Use it for move your mate before you slide in an location
  • If they're in danger such as engage with a lot of enemy, Shortcut your friend to send them to other member, let them help each other.

Remember that you don't have too much health and don't have any healing asset, avoid them as much as possible.