Ashcan, Insane Weredog

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Palefang · 69

The investigators were in a tight spot... They tought cultists were hidden in the city, and they had to strip them of their mask... But it was far worse than that. Not only they were tracked by a masked hunter, but under the full moon, they could see some offspring of the Great Beast. Yet, Pete was grinning : "Guys, get back, I'll handle this!" he said strangely, a mad look in the eyes. "I work better alone and... unseen."

When the other investigators came back, Ashcan was in the town hall, laughing maniacally. Madness were everywhere in the place... Corpses, insides wide open, and half devoured. Innocents were watched closely by Pete's dog. Some of them were still in shock, muttering about a tattered Beast.

They never asked what happened, but they knew it could happen again... That night, they learnt that some nightmares can be kinda useful.

Hi all ! Welcome to this build of Insane Pete. After reading this, you'll never see Pete the same way again... But before you start reading, you have to know that there are some minor spoilers of cards in Curse of the Rougarou and Echoes of the Past (Carcosa).

Perhaps, you were used to Dedalus 'Broke-ass Pete' and play low-cost cards. Perhaps, you were fond of Dark Horse Pete. Low cost again, but with Dark Horse to make Pete virtually 5/5/5/4.

I wanted to push the build even further. I was wondering : what is Pete special assets ? Duke is the most striking. Being able to search at base 4 or fight with +1 at base 4 is great. So, why not boost the overall stats (classical Dark Horse build) ?

And there, with the new Desperate suite (Say Your Prayers), I realized that Pete has a natural talent to make good use of them ! Since his base stats are low (6 life, 5 sanity, because of Duke, who is 2/3), he will soon enough be at 3 sanity. And then, I realized something else. Echoes of the Past does not only give us the Desperate suite, but also The Tattered Cloak. A hidden, cumulative, Dark Horse. We're now speaking of a virtually permanently 6/5/6/5... So, with those 3 cards in play (Duke, The Tattered Cloak and Dark Horse), our now-insane Pete is one of the most polyvalent and powerful 'gator.

'kay. So, now, Pete is mad, wearing the Tattered Cloak. Good. He's quite a monster now. What about making him becoming The Real Monster ? If he embraces the Curse of the Rougarou, he will now be able to take that Monstrous Form. Now, we speak of a 4/5/7/7, who can fight on his own, alongside Duke. Search will still be performed by Duke, since his new claws don't really help Pete with searching.

What are the weaknesses of such a Dark, Mad Werewolf seconded by a dog ? Willpower in the first. 4 isn't always enough to get rid of worst treacheries. Hopefully, you're mad, so you can Say No to them. If you're a tight spot to find clues, and Duke isn't enough, you Desperately destroy all the place... You'll never fail to find a clue in that broken desk.

Okay, so now, the rest of the build. You need to find your key cards. So, No Stone Unturned and Preposterous Sketches will help you dig in your deck. Your skills can also be used to replace themselves and dig further. Next point : you're mad, yet not totally insane. We have to keep you in that state. So, Peter Sylvestre will be handy when it comes to take horrors. Cherished Keepsake will also help a lot, for no cost. I also take Leather Coat to keep you warm. Notice that both of them can also be discarded to trigger Ashcan special ability and then looted back with Scavenging. Next in line, Flashlight. Sometimes, Pete will need to get clues by himself. In those cases, the light will guide him. Last but not least, you will need to use your ressources to the last bit to trigger reliably Dark Horse. But, at the same time, you need to keep using 2-cost cards... So, I play with 1 Lone Wolf. Ressources can also be used by Fire Axe and Scrapper. (I'm sorry, I need that 3 XP card to make the deck work, so it's not a 0-XP :'( )


Nov 30, 2017 XehutL · 47

What a deck!