The Favored Father - 9(17)XP Standalone / Campaign

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
The Favored Father - 9(17)XP Standalone / Campaign 2 2 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

DrMChristopher · 406

This a 9XP Standalone Deck plus 8 bonus XP (5 from Mateo's bonus and 3 from In the Thick of It). This gets Bless fully online and almost gives you a 19XP deck without the additional Basic Weakness.

This is an Ancient Covenant / Favor of the Sun deck which uses for Chaos Token protection, allowing you to pass most tests:

Prophetic is a mulligan priority, as it will pay for or pump all of your spells:

Add tokens with:

  • Blessed Blade - This is an enabler; Your payoff is not failing (many) tests and pumping the bag.
  • Book of Psalms - This will heal horror (important because you're going to take two mental trauma with In the Thick of It) and add 2 .
  • Priest of Two Faiths - Mulligan hard for him because you want to get bless tokens into the bag as quickly as possible and this is the quickest way to do so. You also want him out first because once Nkosi Mabati hits the table you want him there as long as possible. A priest and Calling in Favors in your opening hand is great even if you don't hit another ally because it returns him to hand so you can play him again. If you DO hit the second priest he'll come in for free and you'll STILL have the first one to play again!



  • Blessed Blade is reliable once you have bless tech in place, and adds a to the bag as well
  • Radiant Smite is your big attack spell, dealing up to 4 damage with one attack. This will one-shot most enemies, meaning you won't lose the tokens you sealed on it.
  • Spectral Razor is another tempo option for combat, which adds and for the test (and costs 0 with Prophetic in play).


Skills: Since you can do almost everything with , both of my skills are for :

  • Guts is an obvious choice, with less worry about the card draw because you're whole deck only has two weaknesses.
  • Prescient is pretty reliable at grabbing a spell from discard with the bless tech online. It will always depend on the situation, but my favorite target is Radiant Smite.

Economy and Draw:

  • As previously mentioned, Prophetic pays for your spells. But if you have plenty of resources, pay for them with those and use this to buff them instead (You can pay for AND buff Radiant Smite by one with this).
  • As mentioned above Crystal Pendulum is pretty reliable in this deck because you can always know what you'll succeed by thanks to Favor of the Sun and Ancient Covenant.
  • Emergency Cache is a reliable resource generator, and if you upgrade (in campaign play) to Emergency Cache (2) you also get a draw.
  • Sacrifice's main target should be Earthly Serenity (after using most or all of it's charges) and unless you need the resources draw cards with it to dig through your deck. You only have your signature weakness and one Basic Weakness in the deck, so don't be afraid of card draw. This will also get Earthly Serenity into the discard pile to redraw after your reshuffle.
  • Guts will draw you a card reliably because you should be passing your tests.

=== For campaign play ===

First 5 XP:

With In the Thick of It add:

Upgrade Priorities:

Secondary Upgrade:

Quality Of Life Upgrades: