Roland Banks - Sleuth Enforcer - Dunwich Legacy update v5

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Roland Banks - Sleuth Enforcer - Dunwich Legacy update v4 3 1 0 4.0
Inspiration for
Roland Banks - Sleuth Enforcer - Dunwich Legacy update v6 29 23 6 6.0

DadouXIII · 11028

Description :

Level 0 cooperative deck for 2 players that relies on discovering clues by killing enemies rather than by investigating, which means both protecting the other player while also contributing to advance the Act deck.

Requires 2x Core Sets and the Dunwich Legacy Deluxe expansion.

Composition :

There are 5 weapons in the deck: 1x Roland's .38 Special, 2x .45 Automatic, and 2x Machete assets, which makes drawing one in the opening hand and/or in the subsequent draws, very likely. As such, mulliganing for one is recommended.

This high firepower, coupled with Roland Banks's signature skill and the Evidence! event, means that discovering clues is a very fast affair.

In case no enemies are around, or in case gathering clues by investigating locations is inevitable because Roland's Cover Up weakness was drawn, the Flashlight and Deduction cards are there to make it easier. In case clues are desperately needed, the Working a Hunch event will make sure that there is no need to rely on the luck of the Chaos Bag.

Support cards like Vicious Blow, Dodge, Guts, Overpower, Perception and Unexpected Courage can be used when the proper situation arises.

The 2x Emergency Cache events are also included in the deck, since all those powerful Guardian assets are quite costly in resources.

Roland Banks's biggest weakness is his low Sanity value, but it can be somewhat compensated by the 2x Beat Cop allies, and the new 2x Laboratory Assistant allies, which not only soak up horror, but also guarantee a double card draw, making them extremely efficient for their low cost in resource.

Weaknesses :

  • Roland Banks's personal Cover Up weakness, one of the most difficult to resolve in the game. Mitigated by all the cards that help with investigating locations. NB: If Roland Banks resigns or is defeated, then he DOES NOT suffer 1 mental trauma.
  • Roland Banks's extremely low sanity value. Mitigated by the allies that help soak up horror.
  • Roland Banks's low Agility stat. Mitigated by his very high health value. It is therefore better to defeat enemies rather than evade them.

Changes from previous versions :

Both the Hyperawareness and Physical Training assets are not included in this version of the deck anymore, as they have both shown themselves to be too slow and / or too costly in resources and actions to be worth it, seeing as the deck includes many costly assets. Instead, they have been replaced with 2x Overpower and 2x Unexpected Courage events, which are far more reliable.

The 2x First Aid assets have also been cut form the deck, as they ended up being too slow. Equipping allies is much more cost and time effective, as their health and sanity values effectively add up to yours, all foe ONE action. They have been replaced by 2x Perception, which helps with succeeding Lore tests.

The 2x Guard Dog allies have been replaced by 2x the level 0 Beat Cop cards, as they have more sanity which makes them more valuable to Roland Banks. Including them in the deck also makes it cheaper to upgrade them to their level 2 variant.

Upgrade guide :

The Extra Ammunition should be saved for the Shotgun.


Jan 31, 2017 Eruantalon · 104

Including Beat Cop does not, in fact, reduce the cost of taking level 2 Beat Cop.

Jan 31, 2017 DadouXIII · 11028

I've heard the opposite from different sources, but I just found an official answer from the designer and you are correct.