Forgotten Age Blind Run #1: The Untamed Wilds

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Forgotten Age Blind Run #2: The Doom of Eztli 5 4 1 1.0

Magnificate · 1203

Solo Jenny always had first crack at new scenarios and campaigns. However, until now her blind runs had never been recorded. So, for your enjoyment below is the detailed transcript of Jenny coping with the unknown with some on-the-spot comments. Hopefully there weren't any misplays. (Encounter cards will be linked when available.)

Supplies: 2x Provisions, Rope, Map, Binoculars

Opening Hand: Machete, Emergency Cache, Overpower, Elusive, Hard Knocks






  • Mythos: 5 doom, Pit Viper
    • SNEK! OK, that calls for some analysis. Can Jenny evade and escape? The locations markings on the Expedition Camp suggest that the last two cards in the exploration deck are the Red Square and and the Green Diamond, and Circuitous Trail is not connected to the Red Square. That means exploring from our current location is fifty-fifty and costs 3 resources. I'd rather count on Jenny's resourcefulness and ...
  • Elusive to Expedition Camp
  • EXPLORE to Path of Thorns
  • PLAY Flashlight
  • Flashlight at Path of Thorns (2 charges left, +1, discover 1 clue)
    • Good job, Jenny! We now have 3 clues and it is the end of our turn. We're able to advance, but at the same time the agenda is one tick away from flipping. Which do I want to happen first?
  • Upkeep: draw Elusive, collect 2 resources
  • advance Exploring the Rainforest to Huntress of the Eztli.







Campaign Log:

The Untamed Wilds: Jenny cleared a path to the Eztli ruins. Alejandro chose to remain at camp. Jenny has earned Ichtaca’s trust. 7 XP (Ichtaca, Ruins of Eztli, Serpent's Haven, Circuitous Trail, 2 bonus XP). 1 Physical Trauma. Yig’s Fury: 0.


Apr 03, 2019 Ryders · 1

What difficulty did you play this run at?