Taking another shot at Jim Culver - Thinking

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

elosf · 108

Debated cards: Ward of Protection Delve Too Deep

Thoughts: Quantum Flux is a partial replacement for Scavenging also, unlike scavenging it is less situational, if my important cards got discarded I can have a shot at having them back plus with Arcane Initiate, I have a shot to search my deck for a spell.

Not sure about Enraptured, just put it in for recharging for now

Splash cards: TBD - issues lack of card draw/resource generation, I put 5 in for now to make the deck legal. No Stone Unturned might help with finding spells too

XP Spend plan: (a) work up to Shrivelling, (b) Grotesque Statue and Jewel of Aureolus are both interesting. Song of the Dead for extra fight options


Sep 16, 2018 PureFlight · 757

Is this solo Jim?

If so, I found Rite of Seeking to be kind of a poor choice. I didn't like how it's bad for single-clue locations. You might consider Drawn to the Flame instead for cheaper, one-shot effects for picking up multiple clues.

You could try Astral Travel instead of Elusive if you need the off-faction slots back.

If you keep Rite of Seeking or switch to Astral, Uncage the Soul becomes a good econ option. Sacrafice from City of Archives is also an interesting include here, especially given you're on Quantum Flux.

Sep 16, 2018 elosf · 108

@PureFlight thanks no was just trying to have some fight and some clue gathering but need to reengineer to be clue oriented.

Sep 17, 2018 elosf · 108

@PureFlight Btw this was the prior deck I was starting to tweak: arkhamdb.com it's a Grotesque Statue oriented deck with Scavenging, but it ended up being too situational.

Sep 17, 2018 PureFlight · 757

@elosf Yeah, I've seen that idea before, figured you were picking up Statues. I found Scavenging to be too action-intensive for solo, but I can see how it would be good for multiplayer. My concern about Quantum Flux is that you don't have good draw in Mystic, so although you can recycle cards, you're still going to be waiting around a long time for the statues to show back up. Maybe try Preposterous Sketches or something for draw?

If you're tweaking to be more clue-focused, maybe try St. Hubert's Key instead of the Rosary. I suppose that starts getting expensive, but if you have both Hubert and Alyssa out you'd be cooking.

Sep 17, 2018 elosf · 108

@PureFlight thanks, good tips.