A new shiny toy for Big Money Rogue. Preston especially, who is very vulnerable to the encounter deck due to low stats, can make good use of this. I think you want to always pay 4 for the "your deck" change, since not having to deal with an encounter card entirely AND getting a free draw is definitely a huge step up from the regular effect. I don't think you usually use this on your fellow investigators unless something REALLY backbreaking to them gets pulled.
Favor. Service.
Cost: 2. XP: 1.
Fast. Play when you draw a non-weakness treachery.
Cancel that card's revelation effect and draw the top card of the encounter deck.
When you play Counterespionage, increase its cost by 2. Change "the encounter deck" to "your deck".
When you play Counterespionage, increase its cost by 2: Change "you" to "any investigator".

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A rare card to have for Rogue! Easy upgrade from Guts to make your deck more Rogue-like. I find I use the commit icons just as often as playing it, a flexible option to help other players beat the treachery other than the 4 cost if you happened to be at the same location. (Beat it entirely instead of drawing a new one.)
Q: When paying 6 to get both effects, does the other investigator get to draw from your deck or their own? The wording makes it sound like they'd get to draw from your deck. I wonder if with friends in low places or other affects which let you search the top of your deck, you could pass cards with this.