Rex Goes Rogue

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jgf1123 · 19

This is a Rex Murphy deck I made to introduce a friend to AH:TCG. To demonstrate what the game and seekers in particular are like, it has a little bit of everything. However, if this deck has a theme, it would be...

Going Rogue: Rex Murphy is a bit of a Rogue because his reaction ability triggers when he beats an investigation check by 2 or more. To lean into this, we have cards like Opportunist, Quick Thinking, and Scavenging that also benefit from overachieving. To trigger this ability more frequently, we pack Dr. Milan Christopher, Magnifying Glass, and Flashlight, the latter two of which can be recovered using Scavenging. If needed, we can pump using Hyperawareness.

Since we will spend most of our time investigating, Deduction and Seeking Answers gives us more flexibility with that, and Shortcut may save a crucial action. If we need resources, Burglary works well with our high Intellect. And since Rex Murphy will be around clues a lot, there is Inquiring Mind for a critical skill test and Preposterous Sketches if we need to draw cards, for example if we upgrade to Higher Education.

"I've got a plan!" and Mind over Matter are for when we really need Combat or Agility. The Fire Axe is so we're not completely defenseless, but if we really have no intention of fighting (I passed on Overpower in favor of other cards), we double up one of the other non-Seeker cards.

Finally, Strange Solution gives the deck flexibility in how to upgrade.