Mark Harrigan's Web of Death (0 & 12 exp)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

hotharn · 70

This deck was built as a 2 player session of Dream Eaters's Web of Dreams. The star players here are Enchanted Blade, .32 Colt and .45 Automatic. They provide the heat.

Flashlight provides clue gathering when in a pinch and can easily be up-cycled using Act of Desperation, a powerful card allowing you to get the resources you need to get out a new weapon.

Guard Dog provides good clearing of 1 or 2 health enemies. Beat Cop will be upgraded ASAP for the additional ping with an added Charisma. These also provide great card draw through Mark's ability.

Bandolier makes room for the flashlight and when upgraded can even provide a willpower boost.

Mulligan target would be Enchanted Blade and an Ally, though if any weapon was drawn it should be kept to make sure you have some fire power from the beginning.

Targeted upgrades are: Charisma, Beat Cop, Enchanted Blade, .32 Colt, .45 Automatic, Bandolier, Emergency Cache, Ever Vigilant, Stick to the Plan

Upgrades #1: Added Charisma and upgraded both Beat Cop. This will give me some extra soak, damage and card draw. Win win win. Also upgraded Bandolier for the extra willpower and slot and Enchanted Blade for the extra boost to attacks and damage when needed