Seriously, WTF Jenny?!

Card draw simulator

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Seriously, WTF Jenny?! 43 21 12 1.0
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Saej · 3000

So, you've gathered a group of fellow investigators and you're looking to play a friendly game of Arkham. But! You'd rather lose friends and alienate people and you're not quite sure how.

Welcome to "The Grief Deck v1.0!" The whole goal of this deck is to make the lives of your (soon to be ex) friends just a tad worse. Or a lot worse. It's up to you.

Let's go over some card choices! Let's start with the non-Rogue splash cards.

Delve Too Deep is a great card when used responsibly. But even better when used irresponsibly! Use this to make everyone's day just that much harder. Sure, your group gets a VP, but hopefully they will also gain some Trauma due to being unable to deal with the extra encounter cards. A great game-ending combo is playing two copies of Delve and then using "I'm outta here!" to safely slip away and leave your team to flounder.

Shortcut is great for moving a fellow player away from an important location or moving them right into an Elder God's gaping maw. It's like having the Hunter keyword on a player card!

Alyssa Graham is the best Ally for this deck. Every turn you can take a look at the top card of a deck and then send it to the bottom! No matter what it is! By placing doom on her, you essentially rob your buddies of an entire turn. Doom Party!


Switchblade is handy when attacking a high enemy engaged with another player. Pretty much guaranteed not to hit. Plus, you troll players by playing a card as bad as this.

Liquid Courage is best used on low- investigators. Sure you heal them, but you strip away their ability to deal with the scenario!

Pickpocketing is nice as you'll rarely kill an enemy. Your goal is to evade any baddies and leave them for your team to deal with. This just lets you profit from the evasions.

Fine Clothes is sometimes useless, sometimes amazing. When there is a key story ally (like "Jazz" Mulligan) that is needed to pass the scenario, why not convince him to run around the map with you?! Maybe use him to tank a couple hits from an enemy? Fun.


"I'm outta here!" is pretty obvious. Just leave when the going gets tough.

Backstab is another card you can use to possibly 'attack' another player. Delve them into a big enemy, attempt to hit said enemy, fail, and do three damage to a fellow investigator! What efficiency!

Elusive is great for dropping enemies on other players at your location after the mythos phase or after a Delve. Can also be useful to get to a story asset you need to parley.

Emergency Cache because you need money to fuel all these events and...just to have lots of resources that other people will be jealous of.

Think on Your Feet helps your friends help you by being your tank! I'm sure Rex doesn't mind taking on a Nightgaunt for the betterment of the team, right?

Lastly, skills!

Unexpected Courage is for passing tests that you actually want to pass. Manual Dexterity for evading enemies that the other investigators will have to deal with later. Guts to protect yourself against the encounter deck's treachery cards.

But the star of the show is Double or Nothing. Nothing like watching another player commit whatever last cards he/she has to a do-or-die test to get him to +2 on the check...and then watching his/her face drop as you double the difficulty of the test. Hope that big bad guy doesn't have retaliate!

So that's it! Now, if your friends still want to play with you after the first game, AND they somehow managed to get some XP (Thanks Delve Too Deep!) here are some upgrade suggestions.

Emergency Cache, just because it helps you draw into more problem for your pals.

Cat Burglar for dropping off enemies at a location with another player.

Lucky Dice to ensure you can fail the check when fighting an enemy engaged with another player.

The Gold Pocket Watch for an extra special double mythos phase!

Ace in the Hole because more actions means more trolling!

Hope you enjoy! I'll keep on updating this deck as new cards come out. It may change to a different investigator, but it will always be annoying as hell.