#CPA-TDL - Survive Thru Will - Aggie

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lola Hayes · 1028

Campaign Play-Along with MythosBusters.

  • Campaign: Dunwich Legacy (Some Return encounter sets maybe)
  • Difficulty: Standard - 3 Hand Solo
  • Taboo: None
  • Card Pool: NotZ x2, RtNotZ, Starters, TDL, RtTDL
  • Team: Survive Thru Will
  • Role: Bird Control, Flex Fighter
  • Teammates: Minh, Stella

Hello this is my campaign account. I'm very scared of Dunwich and thus I have brought 3 investigators who all have access to A Test of Will and will survive through our sheer willpower.

The plan is to get Mind Wipe for U&U to apply as much damage as possible and then deal the killing blow once Mind Wipe is gone. There are some standard horror techs like Forbidden Knowledge, Peter Sylvestre, Ward of Protection, Clairvoyance, Shrivelling. Scavenging will probably be used to give me Heirloom of Hyperborea as a commit. I don't see myself having enough spells to play it. I'm going to have Agnes sit as the last player so that she can maximize her damage ability in the Mythos Phase should she choose to do something with Ward or Forbidden Knowledge. Probably can sub out a Forbidden Knowledge for a Painkillers since you can discard it with Astral Travel. See you in Dunwich everyone!

Wern212's Weakness Drawing: Reckless

Scenario 1A: Extracurricular Activity

Starting Hand:

Notes: Removed the Yithian Observer encounter set and put in the Vassal of the Lurker. They seemed slightly easier to deal with. Basically with both perils (Resurgent Evils and Terror From Beyond) out of the encounter deck, I could Test of Will for each other that game.

This didn't save my Agnes progress, but Agnes immediately set up Shriveling and stood by Minh to provide to two of them 1 copy of Test of Will in case of emergencies.

As the last investigator in the rotation, was able to use her ability and Ward of Protection to block an Ancient Evil and kill a Whipper that Minh drew.

Did 6 damage to Experiment in 1 turn, by using 2 Shriveling actions, and deflecting Experiment damage and using Forbidden Knowledge in a different phase.

After Experiment moved, did 2 more damage and then transitioned into clue acceleration in at the Dormitories after Clairvoyance was drawn.

Resolution 3: 9 VP, 1 Delve discarded.

Ending State:


  • Scavenging Dumb Luck I realized that I was not going to be Scavenging as much as I thought I would be. I got a Dumb Luck for tanky bubbly enemies in the upcoming scenarios.
  • Shrivelling Shrivelling Should give more reliable hits against the bigger enemies.
  • Peter Sylvestre x2 Peter Sylvestre x2 Not much to be said, invaluable stat boosters and defensive soaks.

Scenario 1B: House Always Wins

Starting Hand:

Agnes landed a killing blow on Pit Boss with an autofail shrivelling while fighting Conglomeration. She got pretty beat up trying to help Minh with Pit Boss without the abomination enemies ate up the VP. She took a 3 damage and 3 horror from a Conglomeration and a Lurker. She kept both up to kill excess criminals though so I guess she had it coming.

I tried to keep an evaded Conglomeration around to kill extra criminals around.

Early resign from Minh with 3 rounds left since she had nothing better to do than complicate turns for Agnes and Stella who stood in Darkened Halls stalling the Agenda and digging for Delve Too Deeps.

Time was pretty tight, so Agnes tried to fail for Take Heart in order to dig for Delve faster. I managed to draw the last one with 6 doom on Agenda 3.

Resolution 4: 10 VP, 2 Delve, Stella and Agnes stalled out the scenario dropping their clues at Darkened Halls, 3 VP from Interlude/Resolution, 3 VP from Locations, 2 VP from Lurker and Pit Boss. Gambled to get extra elder tokens into the bag for Agnes and her Shrivelling damage. Morgan and Armitage have been kidnapped, and each investigator got 1 physical trauma.

Ending State:


  • Fine Clothes Leather Coat I probably should not have gotten the Fine Clothes to begin with. I chose to do a Resolution 4 run in the middle of playing. This should make up for the trauma each investigator took.
  • Guts Guts draw me into my Delves please.
  • Clairvoyance, Drawn to the Flame Fearless x2 Minh is getting her upgraded Deductions and should be getting much faster at gathering clues. I can focus a little bit more on horror management. I can always add upgraded spells back if I feel that I'm lacking since I'm not constrained by Arcane Research in this cardpool.
  • Shrivelling Shrivelling

May 09, 2021 Xelto · 6

There's a problem with using Mind Wipe in Undimensioned & Unseen to partially damage the brood, then finish them off after the Mind Wipe is goneā€”the Broods' natural health is only 1. The extra 1 health per investigator is part of its text box, which gets wiped away by the spell.

Now, it will still let you defeat the brood (making it rather easy, actually), which can be useful if too many of them are in play. And if they never return, they don't count as having escaped into the wild, so it may still be a useful tactic. But you won't get the victory points for defeating them, and depending when you use this on a brood, you do risk having it return if the encounter deck gets reshuffled.