Wendy Adams True Solo Deck (Help Needed)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wendy Adams True Solo Deck (Version 2.0) 16 12 1 1.0

TheVagrantTKM · 117

My first attempt at a Wendy Adams "True Solo" Deck. It reads "Help Needed" because I need to decide which four cards to cut--any feedback here would be much appreciated!

I. The deck is going to be relying on high Agility (and frequent evasion) to function, and high Agility and Willpower to manage the chaos deck (as opposed to a liberal use of skill cards). Thus, I have included:

Moonstone: +1 Agility, +1 Willpower, AND it pairs nicely with Wendy's ability.

Peter Sylvestre: +1 Agility, and the horror soak is a charming bonus.

Track Shoes: +1 Agility, and works well for an investigator that is going to want to avoid most enemies as opposed to fighting them.

Trench Coat: +1 Agility during evasion attempts, (which is a staple action running this deck), and emergency damage soak if required. (Also there's not much competition for that body slot.)

II. Additionally, in true solo, you are bound to bump into the occasional enemy you are forced to kill, either due to "plot" reasons, or because they've got the 'Hunter' keyword and are proving too aggravating to evade turn after turn. Thus, I have included:

Backstab: Wendy should be sporting 7 or so Agility once the deck is up and running.

Waylay: Great for eliminating enemies if you've got an investigator who is good at evading.

Sneak Attack: ALSO great for eliminating enemies if you've got an investigator who is good at evading.

Hatchet Man: Increases your chances of successfully evading, and then combos beautifully with Sneak Attack or, in a pinch, Backstab.

III. Obviously in true solo you need some means of scooping up clues. In that department we've got:

Lockpicks: Sings on an investigator running 4 to 7 Agility.

Lantern: A nice reliable aid during investigation, and an emergency point of damage in a real pinch (for an investigator with very limited combat prowess).

Winging It: Pairs perfectly with Wendy's ability--it can be played from the discard pile, AND then pings back to your deck, providing you with future fuel for Wendy's Ability (that you'll never find yourself groaning to discard).

Pilfer: Is perhaps too expensive for this deck, (I'm still figuring that part out), BUT (paired with Wendy's ability) is a virtual guarantee for scooping up three clues with one action once she's got a couple Agility boosting cards in play.

IV. Every deck needs something to drive its economy--in a true solo deck there are few cards better than good old Lone Wolf.

V. A few other cards slapped in for utility include:

Lucky!: This is almost an auto-inclusion for decks.

Unexpected Courage: This is almost an auto-inclusion for most decks, and will prove doubly so here as I'm not running Guts, Perception, or Manual Dexterity.

Scrounge for Supplies: In true solo, sometimes you find yourself hurting for clues, and other times you find yourself swarmed by enemies. This card will enable you to scoop up what you've expended to the discard pile in order to "rebalance" your hand. (Also, at zero experience, recovering a pair of snapped Lockpicks is a big deal.)

Resourceful: Included for the same reasons I included Scrounge for Supplies. It's less versatile (as cards are out), BUT it doesn't cost you an action. (Hell, if helpful, you could use it to regain a copy of Scrounge for Supplies.)

VI. That's the deck thus far. If anyone out there can help me figure out what those last four cut cards should be, I'd be grateful!


Jan 15, 2022 1337duck · 1

This deck looks a bit too heavy on resource costs, even with Lone Wolf, while lacking cycling. I recommend putting in Take Heart, and Faustian Bargain to help with that.

Scrounge for Supplies is a bit over kill for recursion. Especially when you'll probably get double relic hunter to have your amulet down for the event cards.

You have a bit too much enemy handling, IMO. You can remove Sneak Attack. I would run 2x Manual Dexterity to help with evade and cycling.

Finally, Pilfer is probably overkill for True Solo. Very few places will have 3 clues per investigator. With the extra resources from Faustian Bargain, you can consider Intel Report instead of Pilfer for test-less clues.

Jan 16, 2022 unremb · 251

What @1337duck said.
The Lantern is probably not needed, though that can double as enemy handling. Consider Breaking and Entering and Nimble.
I'd drop a copy of Hatchet Man, Waylay, Sneak Attack, and Backstab.
I'm not a fan of the Trench Coat either.
Probably overkill to have so many of them.
Then again, I don't play true solo so I could be wrong.

Jan 17, 2022 Atomic_McNasty · 1

I agree with the previous posters. This deck is to resource heavy. I would drop Pilfer. Moonstone is good for Wendy, but it really competes for her signature. You don't need that extra agility, so I would probably drop it as well.

Jan 24, 2022 TheVagrantTKM · 117

Duck, Unremb, and Atomic, Thanks so much for the feedback. I'm definitely going to make the following changes:

-2 Pilfer (When I first included that one I had my doubts, but was somewhat seduced by the investigation using Agility--but you're all right. 3+ Clue locations are few and far between in true solo.)

In order to improve economy, I'll be adding two copies of either Faustian Bargain or Emergency Cache in its place.

Next up, in order to reduce the number of Agility boosting cards that cost resources, but ensure I pass Agility tests when it counts, (and while I'm at it improve cycling), I'm thinking:

-2 Trench Coat

+2 Manual Dexterity

Lastly, everyone seems to be in agreement that I've got more enemy-handling that is necessary. (I was planning on running Dunwich first, but you could all still be right.) That leads to a follow up question--out of Backstab, Sneak Attack, Waylay, and Hatchet Man, which is the "weakest link"? I'll pull two copies of that, and then possibly slip in 2 x Nimble.

Regarding recursion, as soon as I can purchase Relic Hunter, either Scrounge for Supplies OR Resourceful is coming out, as Wendy's Amulet will be back in the rotation. The question is which one to keep:

Scrounge for Supplies: Costs one action, but can target red OR green cards, and has no chance for failure.

Resourceful: No action cost, but cannot target my green cards, and has a (remote) chance of failure.

So yeah, any further feedback on the (reduction in) enemy handling query and Scrounge for Supplies versus Resourceful question are still appreciated!

Thanks again,
