∞ 2 Packs Deck Guide : Minimal Carolyn Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

5argon · 8939

Figuring out Carolyn under limited card pool was harder than I thought. The deck functions like a Seeker, but you have limited level and quantity of cards to work with. They also must be shared with which gives you utilities. Horror healing cards aren't abundant in this card pool.

This deck take advantage of Revised Core Set's First Aid (3) import from Carcosa box. It heals 1/1 at the same time also and can target Ally. You should tell your friends take advantage of it. (e.g. Having ally that could soak 2/2, or running high cost deck that could use more resources.) Carolyn is a support-oriented investigator and will not shine when built in vacuum.

► About "2 Packs Deck Guide"
 A series of decks made with the new distribution model in mind, requiring a Revised Core Set box + just 1 more Investigator Expansion box. ∞ character on the deck's name means the additional box it uses is The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion.
 It maximizes the chance of newcomers being able to build and learn to play the game, enjoying the story on Standard difficulty ASAP. They can then get into deck-building later if they wished to do so. See other decks in the "2 Packs Deck Guide" series here.

 Cost  Total
19 XP 0 XP
   First Aid    First Aid ••• 3 XP 3 XP
   First Aid    First Aid ••• 3 XP 6 XP
    +  Relic Hunter ••• 3 XP 9 XP
    +  Charisma ••• 3 XP 12 XP
   Shrivelling  →  Banish 1 XP 13 XP
   Shrivelling  →  Banish 1 XP 14 XP
   Holy Rosary  →  Police Badge •• 2 XP 16 XP
   Holy Rosary  →  Police Badge •• 2 XP 18 XP
Extra 18 XP
   Emergency Cache  →  Deny Existence ••••• 5 XP 23 XP
   Ghastly Revelation  →  Deny Existence ••••• 5 XP 28 XP

(View at arkham-starter.com)

Don't touch starting 8 skill cards because we are going for Grisly Totem + Relic Hunter setup to add icons to them.

The only fighting cards Shrivelling are replaced with Banish. (You need a real fighter in the team anyway.) The enemy warping effect is more likely than Shrivelling's 2 damage hit to get her an instant AoO-free environment to get away or support teammate with horror healing. It also target enemy's , which could be what your fighter couldn't take advantage of.

Holy RosaryPolice Badge can be seen as side-grade, as it is more expensive to play and you lose the soak. But 2 extra actions to other players are often clutch in the later half of the campaign. It allow you to play full support on boss battle with your fighter, giving them actions to fight and you heal out the horrors. It can also be or with Grisly Totem.

Ghastly Revelation is a fun card, and Carolyn may not mind (or appreciate?) the mental trauma. I suggest keeping it til the end and enjoy finding moments to use it. Scenario often have clue-locked final objective, and your fighter might be able to get close to the location to spend but having no clues while you got stuck in the back. Instead of having them come back and risk getting defeated as well, you can defeat yourself and throw all your clues forward, then your fighter go on and get the positive resolution. It can avoid getting defeated by damage too, or just that you don't want to lose VP on getting defeated and clues dropping. With Grisly Totem it is also .

The challenge

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In this card pool, in order to heal horror often, we are forced to go 2x First Aid (3) (a Revised Core Set addition) in this deck for +1 supply, ability to heal 1/1, and works with Ally. The +1 supply is nicer in her since with her you'll ended up sharing out more resources.

The balanced heal 1/1 might mean that for your friend, taking 1/1 (a common damage / horror value) from enemy attack is now cool if they can't finish the job, especially if they need more resources given from your heals.

The other Lv. 0 horror healing card Fearless gets support from Grisly Totem which makes it , much better when committing to friends where you can only commit one card. The problem is it can only heal yourself. Still compared with First Aid (3) and Soothing Melody this one can boost your resource without costing action, it just need a test to come and horror to heal.

There is also Meat Cleaver but I don't want to mess with in this card pool...

This deck is basically a Seeker that's stuck forever with Lv. 0~1 cards, and her access is not very exciting either in this pool. gives off Daisy Walker-like self defense vibe with her 3 , but amount you could use is very limited because they must be shared with cards.

Hypnotic Therapy can heal unlimited amount of times but with a test. It is hard to get one though so think of your mulligan as finding either copy of First Aid (3) or this one Hypnotic Therapy. If you found Hallowed Mirror, personally I'd throw it away on mulligan since you don't know when you'll get the other 2 Soothing Melody with big deck at the start of scenario.



I replace Shrivelling with this because it doesn't need setup, can "one shot" 3+ HP enemy, and with Shrivelling Carolyn doesn't have enough times that she can get satisfactory to succeed without a boost for all its charges.

What you are looking for before attempting Banish is either Holy Rosary or Grisly Totem. Then Fearless / Guts commit. The pairing rate of Banish and support is quite good. Even if came first, as soon as Banish came up you can defend yourself right away unlike Shrivelling.

How to use Mr. "Rook"


This one copy serves as a proxy for Hypnotic Therapy and Hallowed Mirror, assets that has only 1 copy in the deck too. If you already got some of those, I don't think it worth playing Rook any more. With Grisly Totem you can commit him away for .

Notably, like Alice Luxley, he can take 1/1 and not get defeated. Allowing you to heal 1/1 back with First Aid (3).

If you play with 2024 Taboo, the ability became instead of .

Charisma / Relic Hunter strategy

They were right on deciding to import these from Dunwich Legacy because otherwise this deck wouldn't work.

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Relic Hunter : Make Hallowed Mirror stay there once you found the only one copy in the deck, and you are free to either play Grisly Totem or Holy Rosary on top. (Or stack up those.)

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Charisma : We have Mr. "Rook", Alice Luxley and Dr. Milan Christopher all unique, so they can be played together. 2x Guard Dog can also stack with its other copy. The dog is helpful for her low health while she take the horror side of the attack to prepare for heals.

Both Permanent takes 6 XP and makes a more flexible valid sequence of cards that came up your hand / mulligan.