Crazy Horse Pete (Labyrinths Event Deck)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AndyB · 929

My Decklist for a Labyrinths of Lunacy event in London.

Standalone build rules, so up to 9 XP with no additional weaknesses.

When they came out, the Desperate cards seemed, well, a bit lame. Who is going to let their remaining sanity drop to 3 or less? Sure, you could try for it in a crazy gambler deck, but it seems risky for the pay-off...

Then St. Hubert's Key came out. Stat boosts, and puts Pete right into Desperate territory. Interesting...

And then Yaotl. Reuse the Desperate card you just used? Yes please.

And that, basically, is the core of the deck. Yes, we've Dark Horse, 'cos, well, stat boosts, and the deck has so many skills we don't need many resources. Madame Labranche will be the soak, and my plan is to commit plenty of cards, so hopefully she'll help with that. Or, you know, Fire Axe.

Skill-wise, we've Double or Nothing, which has obvious combos with Stroke of Luck. With Vicious Blow, Duke should be able to turn out good damage with reasonable ease.

Now, the Emergency Caches - well, that's just in case I do suddenly need to play another more costly asset. It's not as dead a card as it seems in a Dark Horse deck - we can always feed it to Duke.

Guess I'll see how it goes tomorrow


May 28, 2018 AndyB · 929

I have never sat there with no cards in hand and no resources and felt quite so empowered.

The deck seemed to work really well. Aggressive Mulliganing got St. Hubert's Key out, and it just went from there.

Yaotl is a great ally for this deck - I managed to use the same Desperate Search and the same Reckless Assault 3 times each through the game. You have to be really aware of what's on the top of your discard pile, and when you're discarding, and what you're discarding, though - when I was clearing weaknesses, and they were sat on top, you really felt it. I guess that this is what his other free triggered ability is for - but I didn't use it, as I didn't want to risk discarding some of the skill cards before I got a chance to use them.

It's tremendously satisfying dropping 4 icons for a test, and then using it again later in the round.

Madame Labranche was also very good; I found myself without cards at a couple of points, and she let me pick up something. (Sadly, once, that was Psychosis). She also helped power the Fire Axe at times.

St. Hubert's Key is the core of the deck, lowering Sanity so that Desperate cards work. However, the stat boosts were very helpful. With Dark Horse, Pete by himself was testing at 6/4/3/4 .

Stroke of Luck and Double or Nothing is a combo that I wonder why I didn't see it earlier. Using Duke to attack an enemy, at 6 vs 8 down, no chance of success... well, exile isn't such a penalty in a single scenario.

Emergency Cache didn't work so well; to be honest, I didn't need any. I might still prefer to have 1 in case of a late St. Hubert's key.

Resourceful was a bit of a disappointment. The 3 different icons was good - and gave flexibility to Yaotl - but there were few target survivor cards to recycle. It might be a card I'd replace.

I might have been lucky, being able to get set up with the Key and Yaotl, but it felt a really strong deck. And it was pretty awesome to be sat there with 1 card, no resources, and thinking "I got this". Great fun.

Jun 01, 2018 Gyara2020 · 1

Loved the read and post-event insight. Thank you for sharing.

Jun 02, 2018 Susu · 35

Great deck. Did you feel missing Peter for horror soak\stats boost. Was working on a similar deck with scavenging to fuel Duke rather than madame labranche but it might be sub-par.

Jun 02, 2018 AndyB · 929

Stats boost? With Dark Horse and St. Hubert's Key in play, he's 6/4/3/4! That's a pretty solid stat line! So no, I didn't feel short on those...

Soaks? Well, Peter Sylvestre is also a good option for an ally instead of Madame Labranche. However, he's a bit expensive - that 3 resources is just a bit too hard for a Dark Horse deck, and Madame Labranche is pretty reasonable for a 2 horror, 2 damage soak. Also, she doesn't cost any XP, whereas Peter Sylvestre (2) does. But it's probably a matter of personal preference. I found that when she was useful was when I needed a bit of help.

I would consider swapping Leather Coat for Cherished Keepsake, of course, if I knew a scenario might be horror-heavy.

Scavenging didn't fit this deck well as it doesn't have many items to fetch...

(I've never been a huge Scavenging fan)

What I've not seen - 'cos the deck worked quite well - was what happens if it starts to break down. What happens if you lose Yaotl? What if you mulligan and still don't get St. Hubert's Key? That would probably be worth exploring a bit.

Jun 04, 2018 AndyB · 929

Actually, I just realised, Cherished Keepsake would conflict with St. Hubert's Key, so no, I wouldn't use that after all :) Fine Clothes, on the other hand, maybe.

Jun 12, 2018 Twitch_City · 11

Thanks so much for posting this! I'm frantically packing for a LoL event and don't have time to construct something from scratch. Out of curiosity, if you were to attend LoL again with this deck, what changes would you make? Would you go up to 19 XP?

Jun 13, 2018 AndyB · 929

As mentioned above, the Emergency Caches didn't do much. I'd keep 1 in, in case of a late St. Hubert's Key, but cut the other.

Resourceful was a little disappointing, due to lack of targets to retrieve, and I might consider replacing those.

What would I use instead? Well, Stunning Blow seems like a nice option, or more Neutral skills, or Desperate skills. Or "Not without a fight!" could be useful.

I don't think I'd go up to 19XP - there's actually very little that that 10XP could get that wouldn't conflict with Dark Horse. Will to Survive is nice, but pricey. It's much better to keep that additional weakness out of your deck.

So yeah, I'd change little. Go for it! I'd love to hear how you get on with it.

Jun 13, 2018 Twitch_City · 11

Great suggestions! I made a few alterations and am going to bring: (if my FLGS gets Threads of Fate this week, otherwise +1 Emergency Cache, +1 "Not without a fight!" I guess).

Lots of desperation, haha!

I had thought of going to 19xp and including 1x Devil's Luck. 2x A Test of Will, 1x Scrapper, and 2x Lucky!, with the idea of taking advantage of exile cards that I wouldn't normally run in a campaign. But you are right - that's getting expensive and who knows what additional weakness I'd end up with.

Jun 14, 2018 AndyB · 929

Yeah, I thought about Last Chance, but it doesn't synergise with Yaotl very well. And Lucky! in a Dark Horse deck doesn't seem to work all that well for be. Both are strong cards, though.

Jun 18, 2018 Susu · 35

Back from Labyrinths of lunacy where the deck did great . Thinking about taking the deck for a Campaign .