Zoetic Knowledge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Zoey with the Spice 0 0 0 1.0

TheUnthinkable · 387

Hoooboy. I considered not publishing this for a long time. It's a pretty unorthodox Zoey build, to be honest, and I wasn't sure I wanted to walk down every choice. With that said, I've got a few moments and unpacking this is useful practice.

This is built for three and four player games.

So, to start simply: Flamethrower isn't just the best guardian weapon, it's probably the only one other than machete that's truly good enough to play. It's really that simple. It's not overpowered, it's just finally good enough. It goes in to replace .45 Automatic, I think, though you could easily justify .32 Colt.

Premonition is very very good. It's actually honestly great. If you absolutely need to land a hit, it's the best way to do it, and with flamethrower running hot in our hands, we have more moments like that than any other Guardian.

Lucky Cigarette Case is surprisingly easy to trigger for Big Z.

Peter Sylvestre is simply too strong to not run. He solves deep issues for Zoey and allows her to play "forward" more than a guardian that doesn't have a reliable horror soak.

Custom Ammunition is really interesting on flamethrower. The bonus damage from it will trigger even if you flow one damage out of four onto a monster. Six shots is enough to clear most adventures completely, too.

Second Wind is astonishingly easy to trigger. In fact, you can bet pretty comfortably on triggering it productively any given turn.

Flashlight could be dropped for Evidence!, based on personal preference, or alternatively one of the upcoming guardian cards.

You might consider dropping Overpower for one of the upcoming guardian cards. In particular, a certain flatfoot might be good, but she's more contention for a very busy ally slot. Handcuffs is really good, definitely really good, and it's incredibly useful for managing cultists or other enemies that might gain doom. That said, it's a card you could swap out, especially if you feel the asset layout is too dense.

The cards that are Also Good Enough to run are: "Let me handle this!", Taunt, and Stick to the Plan.

Finally, a lot of choices here were driven by icons or costings, to help ensure that there was a steady cost curve. If you do make drops or subs, or when figuring out what to run while waiting to upgrade into flamethrower, bear that in mind.


Jan 29, 2019 Django · 5032

I think any Taunt is pretty helpful for Zoey Samarass ability, even more so on high player count, cause enemies with often spawn on them. It also saves lots of action for Flamethrower, when you have multiple targets. Same goes for "Let me handle this!" and On the Hunt.

How about Emergency Cache 3 to get more charges on Venturer and in turn to Flamethrower? Increase Venturer to #2, in this case.

Jan 30, 2019 PureFlight · 757

Do you find that the 2nd Custom Ammunition is hard to use? You can't play it on a weapon that's already been blessed, so you have to replay the Flamethrower, and 2 actions+ 8 resources seems like it's expensive to "reload". I'd think that xp would just go towards Extra Ammunition and you'd put the Custom Ammo on Stick to the Plan.

Feb 02, 2019 TheUnthinkable · 387

@PureFlight : I had forgotten that Stick to the Plan could grab supplies! Yeah, I think you could likely drop the second custom ammo!

Feb 02, 2019 TheUnthinkable · 387

@Django: I agree that taunt is superb, but I think that a single copy of the xp'd version would be enough if you tucked it onto Stick to the Plan. I may revise the deck actually.