Ashcan Pete's 'Dark Horse'

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Wittebaard · 299

Aschan Pete's 'Dark Horse'

"“I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.”" H.P. Lovecraft - The Outsider


Ashcan was always a favorite character of mine since we started playing Mansions of Madness 1st edition and when I started out with Arkham Horror LCG and bought my first cycle The Dunwich Legacy I was very excited to see my good friend among the available investigators! Looking around AHdb I found some nice strategies for using him with Dark Horse, so here we go.


Make sure that you run your assets as fast as possible, because they really carry this deck. Obviously this costs us a lot of tempo, but the fact that Duke is out when we start playing and also gives us the option to freely move before investigating can compensate for a big part!

  • Dark Horse is the main buffer in this deck. Ashcan has a ridiculous statline if you consider Duke part of it. This effectively makes him 4-4-4-3 and Dark Horse raises this to 5-5-5-4. A lot of other cards in this deck raise this even further. When you're all set up, testing shouldn't be too much of a problem anymore.

  • Fire Axe is the go-to weapon card when using Dark Horse in a deck, so who am I to do any different? When Duke's exhausted and you have no resources in your pool (which you will almost never have) you can easily beat those pesky enemies!

  • Magnifying Glass is an easy, fast card to lay down to raise our statline 1 more for investigations.

  • Ritual Candles isn't fast, but the additional +1 on a test helps a lot in a lot of situations!

  • I can't think of a Survivor decklist that doesn't contain Rabbit's Foot, but that may just be me. There will definitely be failed tests when you're setting up your game state, so Rabbit's foot can take easy advantage of that to compensate a little. Also, what else will we use the accessory slot for?

  • Pete doesn't have all that much health or other tools to evade enemies, so he's going to have to take a lot of them head on. To guarantee some damage and horror soak, I've introduced Leather Coat and Peter Sylvestre in this deck.

  • You won't be able to run both of them in the beginning, but Madame Labranche is a good resource provider when you do need that resource in the middle of your turn.

"The broad-shouldered young man exudes the sort of confidence one only finds in youth." - Peter Sylvestre, 2016


The deck runs mainly on Assets and besides that on Skills, but there are some critical events I would never leave the house without.

  • "Look what I found!" is just plain good. Even if you manage to fail an investigate action, you can play this, grab another card with Rabbit's Foot and go on with your journey.

  • Emergency Cache helps us pay, since some of the assets are kind of expensive.

  • I know I said that I wouldn't leave the house without certain cards, but come on.... Lucky! has to be the main priority in any Survivor deck. We'll definitely upgrade this soon!

"You can never be too prepared." - Emergency Cache, 2016


The other aspect that makes this deck shine. We want to be consistent in succeeding at as many tests as possible while playing solo. These cards will help us do so.

  • The basic skills Guts, Overpower and Perception are here because we will be doing all 3 kinds of test while playing. We just want to do better and also draw some cards!

  • Inspiring Presence is a real fun skill to use with Duke since it synergizes so well! When you're in a pickle, you can assign a damage or horror to Duke if needed, because this skill lets you not only remove that damage or horror, it also lets you ready Duke so you can utilize him again in the same turn!

  • Some of the cards are just too good to be played only once, so Resourceful gives them back to us. Can you imagine playing 4 Lucky!'s in 1 game? Bonkers!

"Stay back! I'll handle this." - Guts, 2016

Campaign upgrades

  • 2x Peter Sylvestre 2x Peter Sylvestre because the stronger twin brother because he furthers boosts our Willpower. Also he can take more horror.

  • 2x Lucky! 2x Lucky! because it's even more Lucky this way!

  • 1x Charisma so we can finally have Madam Labranche with us as well. Or even better as a second ally...

  • 1x Jessica Hyde 1x Leather Coat since she can handle damage way better than the Leather coat can.

  • 2x Stroke of Luck 2x Overpower. You won't be using Overpower all that much, is more there as a back-up so it's also easily replaceable for a better card like Stroke of Luck.

  • 2x Lucky! 2x Lucky! for EVEN MORE LUCKY!!!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I'm in no way a well experienced player of this game (yet) but I love to build decks. Any feedback is highly appreciated!


Nov 20, 2021 Heroes.84 · 31

I think that even you don't playing solo, you must have more cards with +1 to be better in Investigate that is you primary action, that you are doing every round. So consider:

Second Where is the best card for Pete Scavenging that helps you have more card and ready (Duke)[ ??

Nov 20, 2021 Wittebaard · 299

@Heroes.84 thanks for taking a look at my deck, feedback is always appreciated!

  • I usually play Standard and the basic Magnifying Glass, Dark Horse and situational Ritual Candles provide some very good boosts to my investigate actions. I mulligan hard for Dark Horse, Ritual Candles and Rabbit's Foot so I can start investigating as soon as possible. Peter Sylvestre and Fire Axe usually come by soon enough when using card draw skills on tests so I have a complete setup in the beginning of mid game. It is true that this deck is asset heavy and therefore slow but on Standard it hasn't been a big issue so far because of what you can get done once you're set up. Remember that Duke has a built in move action which saves you move actions in the grand scheme of things.
  • Dark Horse with Fire Extinguisher is in here so I don't see what you mean with that? Maybe I'm overlooking something.
  • Also, how does Scavenging let me ready Duke? I'm not a long time experienced player, so I might be overlooking something there.

Nov 20, 2021 Wittebaard · 299

Darn it, I meant Fire Axe instead of Fire Extinguisher

Nov 20, 2021 Heroes.84 · 31

Also, how does Scavenging let me ready Duke? I'm not a long time experienced player, so I might be overlooking something there.

Me too, but like I said Scavenging helps you a loot, because you must discard card from you hand to ready a Duke. And you do probably do move + investigate, and when you win this test with with +2 or more when you can go back to hand this card (of course when it is a Item card) to you hand. It nice engine specially for Pete and Duke. Second this card can give you second combo to be some "immortal" when you are using (Leather Coat)[ and this card is discarded because you put damage on it, you can use Scavenging to get this card back to you hand and play again (it cost 0)