Lola goes down the rabbit hole to get clues (upgraded)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TrotiC · 22

Hello everybody,

after trying and trying to break Lola into a decent investigator I think I finally found a way. Here is a very efficient clue finder deck. Even works on Expert since most of the cards don't require any test.

The idea is simple: Lola's weakness Crisis of Identity discards all assets from your role? Let's not have any. No asset, no problem!

Well almost no assets, here are the exceptions:

  • The neutral assets since they won't get discarded. (Except in a very unlikely double Crisis of Identity where you are in neutral while you draw the second one). Note that all story assets are neutral, you'll want to include them in your deck as much as possible.

  • The assets with an immediate effect such as Jeremiah Kirby; Medical Student; Priest of Two Faiths (or Art Student; Laboratory Assistant...). Once they've been put into play you don't really care that they get discarded. The one's that don't get discarded will be used to soak damage and horror anyway.

  • The permanent assets because they won't get discarded and because they work perfectly with Synergy cards. Start with Down the Rabbit Hole, Adaptable and Shrewd Analysis, and you already have 3 different classes in play. Get the Ancient Covenant as soon as possible and if you have 2 XP to spare the Keen Eye is just a bonus that will make your Call for Backup unbelievably strong and Cheat the System a fast 5 ressources.

Now that you have your Crisis of Identity covered you can start to play!

For the rest of the deck, the idea is : less tests and more cards that can be upgraded since Down the Rabbit Hole will save you XP with those.

Even though Lola is low on health and sanity you wanna start with In the Thick of It to buy 2 x Cheat the System and Adaptable. Since they are not upgraded cards they would cost you 6 XP in a campaign instead of 2 trauma, it's definitely worth it. Then you can take whatever events or skill you want as long as you upgrade at least 2 between each scenario and you use your Adaptable to switch your non upragdable cards to upgradable ones. Just remember Lola is bad at tests in Expert and not that great in Standard so you probably want to avoid them. If you do have to (because you will) Will to Survive is a way to do it during the investigation phase and the combo Ancient Covenant + Favor of the Sun + Priest of Two Faiths is very good during the mythos phase if you are in role (and if you're not you can switch right before drawing the chaos token). The only issue with that combo is the XP cost since none of those cards are upgraded cards, so it will cost 11xp instead of 6. You don't have to go down that road of course, but they are a very good safety net against encounter cards, plus the Ancient Covenant helps you with synergy cards, and Priest of Two Faiths can soak a bit of damage for you.

Here I went full clue finder but there is also the possibility to have fighting options with Gang Up, Dynamite Blast, "I've got a plan!", Sneak Attack, Mind over Matter, Vicious Blow... Just know that you won't be consistent as a fighter, but will be able to really help when needed if you keep your good cards in your hands for when the time is right (Gang Up is +5 and +5 damage).

I hope that deck will convince you to reconsider Lola as a good investigator! Let me know if you used it and how !