Lola Hayes Starring as Esperanza Gracia (Spanish Tarotist)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MrChumbo · 81

The idea behind this deck is quite simple and double: first, to exploit the Taboo version of Lola, which not only makes her playable but also, IMHO, a pretty good investigator, especially due to the flexibility provided by her stat line and, above all, her deckbuilding rules. Second and more important, blind-playing thematically Path to Carcosa with a combat-focused Lola starring as a (quite unhinged) tarot reader (in a two-player campaign with a dedicated cluever). And third, using the Underworld Support, and the other Permanent cards further down the campaign, allows to have a good set of classes for abusing Synergy cards as well as improving the chances to get the Tarot cards early (and also I really like Highlander decks).


1) Flexible Weapons: Lola has 3.5 weapons at her disposal. The .45 Thompson, the Enchanted Blade, and the Ornate Bow have the advantage of being usable almost all the time as they are multiclass, multiclass, and neutral respectively. This is also the perk of the Scroll of Secrets, Blur, and Earthly Serenity (although it would be very rare to become a Survivor). The other half weapon is Delilah O'Rourke, which allows finishing off an enemy with 1-2 remaining health. There are few weapons, but considering it's a short deck with a decent amount of card draw, some should appear sooner rather than later. If not, there are still several events to deal damage (Call for Backup, Gang Up, Dynamite Blast, and Spectral Razor). In fact, if Delilah is not needed, maybe it would be better to add Lola Santiago instead to give it a bit more flexibility regarding clues (and to have the doubLola).

2) Tarot: With Studious, Anna Kaslow, and the ~small deck size, it's likely to start the game with one or even two tarot cards on the table. The is the least useful unless one grabs the bow in the Mulligan (which would be ideal).

3) Synergies: Starting with ̶3̶ 2 coloured permanents and including a good number of blue and purple cards, synergy cards are exploitable from minute 1 of the game.

4) Money: Although it may seem like an expensive deck with many assets, Lola shouldn't have money problems thanks to her 2xImprovisation, Faustian Bargain, Cheat the System, and The Red Clock. In fact, extra money can be invested in Delilah.

5) Tricks up the Sleeve: The Red Clock, Close the Circle and Earthly Serenity for extra actions, extra money and extra health/sanity.

EXP Upgrade

The only obvious flaw (to me) in the 0 EXP deck is the lack of at first, so the priority upgrade may be (EDIT: not Scrapper, maybe Keen Eye?) to compensate for that. After that, it is up to each one if it prioritizes Tarots (including Studious) or Sinergy cards, for example.

EDIT: I had forgotten about The Star • XVII, but if you own Return to the Circle Undone, it is probably way better than Four of Cups and it would make you more resilient than Chuck Norris on steroids, making you forget about any kind of healing or extra soaking forever. (It would give you 2-4 extra sanity+health from your allies, the Bandolier and Something Worth Fighting For)/True Grit). In that case, I would skip Earthly Serenity and may even think about adding In the Thick of It without caring at all for the trauma.

2nd EDIT: Scrapper is not very useful because I made the silly mistake of forgetting one has to be red to use it. The next best thing, as kindly indicated by the comment below (thanks Semiotics!), would probably be Keen Eye, with the caveat of hindering the power of the (many) Synergy cards in the deck. More alternatives are appreciated!

Disclaimer: I own a full collection except for all the Starter Decks, Returns to and the Scarlet Keys investigators.


Jan 11, 2024 Semiotics · 1

Heads up, in your edit you mean The Star and not The Tower!

I really like where your head is at with this deck. I might play around with something similar. I think my only hesitation is that to use Scrapper you need to be in survivor, and so you can't easily use it in tandem with your Enchanted Blade or .45 Thompson. I wonder if Keen Eye could get you there, if the deck is rich enough?

Jan 11, 2024 MrChumbo · 81

Cheers, you are absolutely right in both things (I changed The Star already). And indeed I had overlooked the fact that you need to be playing red to activate Scrapper, well spotted! I guess Keen Eye is the next best thing (with the extra cost that it hinders a bit the Sinergy power)

Jan 11, 2024 Aetyhs · 1

Maybe before buying studious, you could throw a Shrewd Analysis to fill a permanent seeker slot ?

Jan 12, 2024 MrChumbo · 81

Well spotted, I will do that! Ta!

Jan 12, 2024 Aetyhs · 1

You could also use the Survivor permanent from EoTE to have +1 class for the synergy class. Since your deck doesn't have a heavy draw engine, the fact that 10 cards are discarded at the beginning is roughly equivalent to have ten dead card at the bottom of the deck.

Jan 25, 2024 MrChumbo · 81

That is a pretty cool point, Aetyhs. I guess the potential downside of getting a horror pretty quickly in the game (when you cycle your deck) is minor compared to having another extra colour for the Synergy cards...