✂ 2 Packs Deck Guide : Holy Shotgun Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

5argon · 9124

Just look at the artwork and Lv. 0~4 access. Wilson deck for my 2 packs series couldn't be any other deck than this. The Cleaning Kit (3) is a long-awaited Shotgun support card, as well as potent with the good old Flashlight as Wilson gets total +3 on top of -2 shroud, and even -1 cost when he plays it.

This deck is centered around Tinker and Occult Reliquary to go from start to full setup, solving slot problems along the way. Occult Reliquary is a Permanent that frees up either Ancestral Token or Blessed Blade (4), it will open up many ways to mulligan and assemble un-tinkered assets.

It's a Shotgun deck that Roland Banks dreamed of when he burned down his house 5 years ago. Ammo can be refilled, investigate tool or unlimited Melee weapon can still be used, and over-success accuracy is decent with and some insurances from Strong-Armed.

► About "2 Packs Deck Guide"
 A series of decks made with the new distribution model in mind, requiring a Revised Core Set box + just 1 more Investigator Expansion box. ✂ character on the deck's name means the additional box it uses is The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion.
 It maximizes the chance of newcomers being able to build and learn to play the game, enjoying the story on Standard difficulty ASAP. They can then get into deck-building later if they wished to do so. See other decks in the "2 Packs Deck Guide" series here.

★ The Hemlock Vale 2 Packs Series is now complete! (with a bonus Zoey) :
 Cost  Total
19 XP 0 XP
   Knife  →  Blessed Blade •••• 4 XP 4 XP
   Beat Cop    Beat Cop •• 2 XP 6 XP
    +  Occult Reliquary ••• 3 XP 9 XP
   Knife  →  Shotgun •••• 4 XP 13 XP
   Perception  →  Strong-Armed 1 XP 14 XP
   Task Force  →  Strong-Armed 1 XP 15 XP
   Cleaning Kit    Cleaning Kit ••• 3 XP 18 XP
29 XP 18 XP
   Cleaning Kit    Cleaning Kit ••• 3 XP 21 XP
   Machete  →  Shotgun •••• 4 XP 25 XP
   Machete  →  Blessed Blade •••• 4 XP 29 XP
Extra 29 XP
   Emergency Cache    Emergency Cache •• 2 XP 31 XP
   Emergency Cache    Emergency Cache •• 2 XP 33 XP

(View at arkham-starter.com)

If you have more cards, perhaps find somewhere to change Emergency Cache into better economy card like Ever Vigilant (1), Ever Vigilant (4), Stand Together (3), "I've had worse…" (2), ...

But note that just plain Emergency Cache enables a good setup round because you could pair things like Ancestral Token / Beat Cop (2) / Blessed Blade (4) / Pitchfork (remember the -1 Tool discount) that combines to over 5 resources. That's why I don't touch them on upgrade plan. Upgrade to Emergency Cache (2) that came in your Revised Core Set is actually not a bad idea at all! Or you might be interested in Carcosa's Emergency Cache (3) which could refill Cleaning Kit (3)?

Tinker targets

Note that the "maxed out" setup looks like this : Ancestral Token (using regular Accessory slot), Tinkered Cleaning Kit (3), Shotgun (using regular 2x hand slot), Blessed Blade (Occult Reliquary slot). Then perhaps you can farm without consuming them with the blade then shotgun a boss with blessed bag and +2 from Cleaning Kit (3).

But what's more important is the journey to get there. Sometimes you have to flex to Flashlight or Magnifying Glass if scenario requires it, or even use Cleaning Kit (3) with Flashlight. It's what makes Wilson deck fun and you'll decide what to Tinker!

  • Cleaning Kit / Cleaning Kit ••• : You can now add 2 horror soaks with Ancestral Token, plus it generates for your Shotgun. Note that you still want to do this even after you have Occult Reliquary so you can use Occult Reliquary Blessed slot to hold Blessed Blade (4) instead.
  • Pitchfork : Remember to discount 1 if it is the first Tool you play. Wilson gets +1 on Tool use to 5 . Very useful to not lose stuff when you pick it back up, plus it makes other investigators want to pick it up even more. (Attachment stays on even after you lose control.) Also it is handy to use it alongside Blessed Blade (4) so you have a way to deal 3 damage and 2 damage at the same time.
  • Flashlight : Remember to discount 1 if it is the first Tool you play. With Cleaning Kit, keeping around a tinkered 0 supply Flashlight could be pretty good. You'll want to assemble it with 1x Matchbox to cheat some 3 shroud locations. Don't forget Wilson's +1 skill value while using the Flashlight.
  • Magnifying Glass : Remember to discount 1 if it is the first Tool you play. Less exciting than Flashlight but still decent if you need to play Pitchfork / Shotgun over it in a hurry.


  • Flashlight : Reminder that Wilson gets +1 on Tool use, and it could be refilled with Cleaning Kit or get +2 more with Lv. 3 kit. So this is actually a very strong asset now! (Even better than Lv. 3 one in TSK since that lacks the that Wilson loves...)
  • Pushed to the Limit : In 1st scenario, you can kill 4 HP enemy with throwing Knife then pay 2 more to throw again from discard pile. Later, you can commit Pitchfork / discard as a part of Ad Hoc to make it available for 3 damage attack from discard pile without disrupting your current hand setup. You can also use Flashlight from discard pile but 2 cost to do that is quite expensive.
  • Blessed Blade •••• : FYI this is not a Relic. Just in case you are trying to do something that requires a Relic.
  • Wolf Mask : Meant to add +2 to Shotgun hit. But note that there is a icon on Pitchfork and Task Force if you need +3 to evade in a pinch. Commit Pitchfork to evade then Pushed to the Limit is not a bad idea to survive multiple beefy enemies.
  • Task Force : I want you to have a taste of Double card, but this card is hard to use mainly because it can't ignore AoO. A common way to use this is to move in from nearby into an enemy, attack it, and grab 1 automatic clue. If after you move you found a new investigator, you can also choose that person. (Such as wanting them to take the clue.) Removed around mid campaign.
  • Strong-Armed • : Beware that this deck has only horror soak in Ancestral Token, there is no health soak! It is for getting a fat Shotgun blast no matter what, which is obviously good when you know doing so would instantly end the scenario. It is easy to tell even if you are going blind into a campaign!

    As a secret tech, if you still get a fail after redoing to the brim you can just kill yourself with an another redo. Perhaps to avoid blasting your friend to death, or to not getting mental trauma from Retaliate / upcoming Enemy Phase. (WILSONNNNNN!!)