Immortal William Yorick

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fadi El Darwich · 8

I have to say that William Yorick is just fun to play. I am currently playing him in a 2-player scenario (Return to the Path to Carcossa). He plays both as a and . The main difference is that I don't have to worry about losing my assets or paying for them. I just decided to load my deck with 18 item assets and added Geared Up as a permanent effect. Upon my first upgrade, I purchased Versatilewhich allowed me to add Hallowed Mirror for healing, Alter Fate for protection against nasty treachery cards and Jury-Rig to improve all of my item assets.

Ever since, I am almost unkillable. I have the answer to almost every thing thing the game throws at me. With Luke Robinson as my partner in the scenario, we truly complement each other especially with his ability to just use Storm of Spirits when things get a bit overwhelming. However, we rarely had to rely on that.

Here is a summary of my strategy: When I drew my starting hand, I made sure that I had at least 4 items which are usually put into play at a reduced cost thanks to Geared Up. In most scenarios, I got lucky and had either Backpack or Schoffner's Catalogue catalogue which made me have more items or use less resources to pay for these items. Those resources I saved were very useful to allow me to play Beat Cop whenever I drew it as it proved to be the only ally I needed for this deck.

During regular game play, the strategy is to basically use your Cherished Keepsake as horror soak and return it into play every time you kill a monster, use Resourceful or get the elder sign during a skill test. The Knife which is usually a dull weapon becomes a weapon of mass destruction with Yorick as I kept discarding it and returning it into play given that it cost only one resource.

Furthermore, I was constantly using the combo of Jury-Rig on any of my different weapons and then recycling their cost using Act of Desperation once they ran out of charges in the case of Enchanted Blade or supplies in the case of the Chainsaw. This way, I almost always had a strong weapon that could deal excessive damage. And whenever I was not able to just kill a monster during my phase, I had my amazing Survival Knife to deal the death blow during the enemy phase. (This weapon proved very useful once I upgraded to level 2).

In summary, this deck is fun to play, relies a lot on recycling the items and making the best out of them. Thanks to Bandolier and Tennessee Sour Mash, I was basically at 6 willpower and with beat cop in play, I was fighting with a base of 6 attack almost every round. Damage and horror did not scare me as I was cancelling most of the damage using my Bandages and my soaking the horror with Cherished Keepsake. At some point, I was also capable of doing a quick healing using Soothing Melody but that was mainly for my Beat Cop.

All in all, it has been and still is a fun experience with this amazing character. Probably the most fun I have ever had.