Mark "The Bodyguard" Harrigan (3-players)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DelightfulDilettante · 340

Meant to be played with Jenny "The Bank" Barnes and Rex "Axe-Hand" Murphy. I have only played through Night of the Zealot with these decks but plan on taking them through Dunwich next. I'll post notes at the end.

See the other decks here:

What's my job?

Mark is here to kick ass and take names. You are responsible for killing any and all enemies that appear. There are enough weapons here that you should have no trouble getting one in your opening hand. Forget about Sophie, Mark's real weakness is his lack of money. Both Jenny and Murphy will be rolling in resources before long though so be smart about your use of Teamwork. Protection comes at a cost.

Possible Upgrade Path

Other options include Stick to the Plan with Extra Ammunition, Prepared for the Worst, and Emergency Cache inside. Emergency Cache 3 is also an option, although a second copy of Stand Together might be preferable unless you really don't like the weaknesses you have.

Lightning Gun is also an option, although because this deck is so expensive I really do feel that the resource cost difference is enough to make me go for the Shotgun instead. The Home Front, Overpower, Vicious Blow, and Sophie are all there to make sure Mark does full damage whenever he pulls the trigger. That said, Lightning Gun can be useful in the hands of any investigator, thus making it an option for Teamwork, where as the shotgun is useless for anyone who isn't a guardian.


Notes on 3-player Night of the Zealot campaign along with Jenny "The Bank" Barnes and Rex "Axe-Hand" Murphy.

There are no spoilers in the description below. Mark's basic weakness was Mob Enforcer.

After completing The Gathering

After completing The Midnight Masks

Notes on 3-player Dunwich Legacy campaign along with Jenny "The Bank" Barnes and Rex "Axe-Hand" Murphy.

Coming soon...