Green and Mean: Jenny Solo, Dunwich, Hard, Scenario 0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Green and Mean: Jenny Solo, Dunwich, Hard, Scenario 1 1 1 5 1.0

SocialPsientist · 145

Good afternoon all,

I just recently started playing Arkham LCG a few months ago and have been quite enjoying it. I've successfully made it through the Core campaign (Night of the Zealot) and Dunwich on normal difficulty. Then my friend and I hit our heads against Carcosa multiple times, often replaying scenario one a few times to "get it right" and twice getting to scenario four and then dying.

Our most recent attempt was my first attempt at playing Jenny and I'm not sure that I built a strong deck for it. I'm really intrigued by Green Man Medallion and the idea of being able to "buy" extra experience points with resources, so I'd really like to be able to make a Jenny deck work out well.

This is my attempt at three things. First, tweaking my Jenny deck to see if I can get it to run better. Second, this is my first solo campaign (others have been 2+ players). Third, this is my first hard campaign. ("Why not expert?" Because I'm not that good yet, or because the game already hates the player enough, or because both are true.)

This posting describes my deck design. If everything goes well with me understanding how to clone and upgrade decks, one should be able to follow along in the campaign by looking through those links.

As an potential dislaimer, I'm trying not to review too many posted decks as I get into Arkham. I'm enjoying "forcing" myself to try to find strong combinations, test out cards to see if they are strong vs. weak, etc. on my own and among my friends. I'm sure that others have figured out a significant amount of my testing by now, some of which I've read, much of which I haven't. I'm just putting this out there in the event that someone reads this and thinks "everyone knows that _____ so why doesn't this person?" Just sayin'.

Step One: Find Clues

Finding clues is a necessity in Arkham. The plan for this is to use 2x Flashlight for most of the clue hunting as seems to be standard for many characters.

Drawn to the Flame is potentially the best automatic clue finder, yet I would prefer to avoid extra Mythos cards if possible. Instead, I'm going to test out "Look what I found!". It's still two clues for one card and it costs resources (which Jenny has a lot of) instead of mythos cards (which Jenny isn't necessarily best at). The downside is that "Look what I found!" requires a slightly failed attempt, which can be difficult to manage in some situations. I'm going to test it out and see how it works.

I'm a bit concerned that this deck only contains 4x clue finding cards and two of them aren't reusable. I generally would prefer to have 5-6x given past experiences. Let's see how this works out.

Looking ahead to upgrades, top on my list for clue finders are Lockpicks and the recently released Lola Santiago. Jenny's extra resources pairs well with Lola's automatic clue-finding powers. Hopefully I'll get that far.

Step Two: Dealing With Enemies

Rogue weapons aren't that great, and if I'm using Green Man Medallion then I'm not using Jenny's Twin .45s (which I recognize I could technically use yet I'm not going to double up on her boon-weakness pairs). Jenny's also not the best fighter in general.

2x .41 Derringer is a good starting point for both the + and the potential for extra damage. I prefer Knife to Switchblade because I think that + is more important early on, especially when Switchblade's extra damage isn't reliable.

Backstab will be fine once I upgrade to Streetwise, yet I'm unsure how it's going to fare on its own for the first scenario. Elusive seems to be auto-include in many decks based on past experience, and Narrow Escape can help with either fighting or evading.

2x Fight or Flight are my "oh crap" cards and can be used for fighting, running, or potentially both depending on the situation.

Double or Nothing can potentially help with combat depending on the situation (such as when being paired with Fight or Flight for major bonuses). It's also a generally versatile card with the and being good for accelerating other effects.

Looking ahead to upgrades, my first weapon upgrade is likely going to be the Chicago Typewriter. It is its own + effect on top of having the ever-coveted +2 damage effect. It's pricey on XP, yet often worth it. I can also see potentially upgrading .41 Derringer (0) to .41 Derringer (2) for the increased chances of extra damage and the possible extra turn effect, yet I'm unsure if that is going to be worth the XP cost.

Step Three: Finding Things

Given how much of one's deck you (don't) get through in any given scenario, if I'm going to try to maximize the Green Man Medallion then I first need to find it and get it into play reasonably quickly. Thus, Backpack and No Stone Unturned.

Backpack is helpful not just with the Green Man Medallion but also with the other five items in the deck. On one hand this seems like a potentially poor use of Backpack given the relatively low hit rate, however Jenny often seems fine on resources and can afford the risk.

Rather than go with 2x Backpack I'm going to try out No Stone Unturned for the other card finder. It uses up one of my valuable splash card slots, which might not be ideal, yet it's more flexible than Backpack as you'll be able to draw something from the search if I don't find any items. I'll see how it works out and possibly Adaptable it out later.

Step Four: Possible Regrets, a.k.a. "Stuff I might wish I had taken with me"

Guts or Say Your Prayers. Treachery regularly requires checks and Jenny's willpower isn't that great. In the future there are options, such as Moxie, to help with this. However, that's a bit far in the future. Hopefully this won't cause too many problems.

Sleight of Hand. This is great for extra uses of Flashlight and items in general, and for being Fast and cheap. It's strong based on past experience, yet I'm not sure what I'd take out to make space for it.

Leo De Luca. Action advantage is strong, yet expensive. Fortunately, Jenny's good for resources. Unfortunately, Leo's still expensive. Jenny recoups her costs in three turns given her innate ability, which is a lot better than six turns for other rogues. That said, Jenny also wants to spend a significant amount of cash on her Green Man Medallion, so she has a reason to want to stockpile some resources for later use. Leo will be eventually replaced by Lola Santiago if I survive long enough to make that happen, yet I wonder if there's a better option for this card slot until then anyway.

Without further ado, onward to Dunwich!