Archive of Conduits
Gateway to Paradise

Asset. Arcane


Cost: 4. XP: 4.


Researched. Uses (4 leylines). Limit 1 per deck.

: Move 1 leyline from this asset to an investigator.

: Choose an investigator with a leyline. That investigator draws 1 card and heals 1 damage or 1 horror. You may remove the leyline to have them instead draw 2 cards and heal 2 damage or 2 horror.

Anna Mohrbacher
Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion #44.
Archive of Conduits


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This card seems to be absolutely bonkers for Carolyn Fern.

Compared to most other Heal cards, Archive of Conduits do not need you to be at any other Investigator's location, to place the leyline or to heal. The card does not exhaust and does not use Supplies or Charges

Even if you pull the on Rotting Remains, Carolyn Fern will turn it into +3 cards and +3 resources for you no matter where you are on the map.

You shouldn't be afraid To Fight the Black Wind anymore, as removing leylines provide a boost in heal that will make it hard for it to trigger a Doom on the Agenda. Just pack some No Stone Unturned/Eureka! to trigger it when there is no enemy in play or even a Pendant of the Queen to evade enemies in case your Damage dealer failed to kill it during their round.

Good combos:

Forbidden Knowledge: 1 action = 2 resources + 1 card.

Spirit of Humanity: 1 action = 2 , 1 card, 1 resource (+ 1 resource if you place the horror on Peter Sylvestre that will heal at the end of the round).

Toe to Toe for auto damage and the possibility to heal yourself for card and money.

TL;DR This card makes most other Heal cards obsolete for her.

Valentin1331 · 75001
It's really good in Carolyn! But since it's Limit 1 per deck and there is an action tax (although Close the Circle works on it!), Carolyn still wants to pack a good number more healing cards, especially the ones that don't cost an action. — dscarpac · 1172
Can you give your recommendations on other healing cards to add? — Valentin1331 · 75001
I gave some recs on Carolyn's page, but to me to make this card work you need another way to deal with Carolyn's weakness. This plus Hypnotic Therapy will solve the weakness in two actions (over two turns), but it's just two cards in a whole deck, so I think you need Peter Sylvester and Ancient Stone, and maybe First Aid (3) if you need to heal Allies, or Liquid Courage if you're going for a Synergy deck. But with the card draw this card gives you don't need to go overkill with healing; maybe 5-7 cards total. — dscarpac · 1172
Question: Can the owner of the Archive of Conduits card place a leyline on themselves? Like if Carolyn owns the card, can Carolyn place a leyline on herself? — EmmeBGG · 15
@EmmeBGG Yes, the owner can target themselves. If this was not intended the ability would say "another investigator". — MiskatonicFrosh · 344
If Carolyn uses this to draw a card and it's To Fight the Black Wind, does it negate the Horror you would take from it and therefore not add any Doom that round? What's the timing on that? — glockenspeel · 1

If you are playing Vincent Lee, this should be one of your very first upgrades, I would argue even before other known strong cards with him like Healing Words. The sheer amount of support that this card can provide is unparalleled by any other healing card in the game so far.

For the cost of 1 action, you can allow any investigator to heal 1 damage, draw a card, AND gain an unexpected courage (On the Mend) FROM ANYWHERE ON THE MAP, and thats without removing a leyline to double the healing and card draw.

In bigger map campaigns this effect stacks to insane power but even in my Scarlet Keys playthrough (often very small, connected maps) this card was by far the highlight of my Vincent Lee deck.

And even better, this card doesn't take up a slot that Vincent Lee would need otherwise. By taking an arcane slot, Archive of Conduits leaves open hand slots for other investigation tools like Magnifying Glass or Flashlight for when healing isn't necessary.

While obviously you still need other healing cards to make a Vincent Lee deck work, this never-ending powerhouse of a healing card shines in any Vincent Lee deck.

Tyrria · 4