Q: For the skill card Ghastly Possession, is the second choice a lasting effect that would persist if you were to use Silas Marsh's ability? There's insufficient wording to clarify that the "If this test is successful, ..." effect is a "choice that becomes a lasting effect" or works like a regular skill card effect that is gained/obtained upon its selection (and would thus not persist if the skill card itself goes away with Silas' ability before it can trigger). A: No. If Silas committed Ghastly Possession but returned Ghastly Possession to hand before the test finished, the second bullet on Ghastly Possession would no longer be in effect.
Q: Can a card that "replenishes" uses restore uses past a target card's initial uses value? Given an freshly-played asset with "Uses (4 charges)", if I spend 1 charge to initiate a test on that asset, and commit Ghastly Possession to that test, how many uses do I replenish? A No; a card will only “replenish” uses up to its uses value. (We plan to codify the rules of replenish in a future FAQ update.) In that example, you’d replenish only 1 charge with Ghastly Possession, because you’ve reached the maximum charges allowed through the rules of replenish. (Note, it’s possible to “add” charges beyond the uses value, you just can’t “replenish” beyond that value.) (October 2023)
Innate. Spell.
XP: 1.
After you commit Ghastly Possession to a skill test on an asset, choose one:
- Place 1 doom on that asset. Ghastly Possession gains .
- If this test is successful, either remove 1 doom from this asset, or replenish half of its uses (rounded down).

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Just a small review to express how much better this card is compared to the already highly praised Enraptured.
I have used and loved Enraptured in almost every Deck that can use it: Daisy Walker, Luke Robinson, Jacqueline Fine, Sefina Rousseau, Father Mateo, Jim Culver, Marie Lambeau, Carolyn Fern, Gloria Goldberg, Patrice Hathaway and even some Mandy Thompson.
It is hard sometimes to reliably succeed test as a primary , but the boost from St. Hubert's Key and Read the Signs helped tremendously.
Here, for 1xp, I now have a instead of a (which is great for ), I replenish at least 1 use, and I add the crazy versatility of reloading literally anything with uses. The only downside is that you can only replenish the uses of an asset that you use Ghastly Possession on, so it must involve a test of any sort.
You can find here the list of all the assets which would receive at least 2 uses from Ghastly Possession, if they involve a test. The outstanding ones IMO are:
- .35 Winchester and Runic Axe in Sister Mary.
- You can commit Ghastly Possession to an Ancient Power imbued Runic Axe for 2 maxed attacks and 8 damages in 2 actions during the same turn.
- Azure Flame/Shrivelling and upgrades.
- The Blur, Divination, Brand of Cthugha, Earthly Serenity and upgrades suite. It's good because you add a lot of charges, though these charges are less "worthy" than on other Assets.
- The Enchanted Blade
- The Strange Solution/Strange Solution with uses.
- Thieves' Kit for more resources.
- Hyperphysical Shotcaster that cannot be reloaded by anything else than Ghastly Possession
After a long time, wonderful mystic skill is released. We could choose one of two effect, and each has good effect.
First effect helps we to place one doom on an asset card. Of course, generally this effect is not good, but it is not true for some cases. Marie Lambeau may want to place one doom to gain additional action. For the deck with Elle Rubash, this effect helps we to attach any card with skill test into the Elle to get +1 skill test. I have a note that placing a doom is resolved immediately, so that we have a chance to trigger Elle's ability during the test.
Second effect is more flexible and good. Removing a doom is situational, but when we only focus on replenishing uses, it is very common and good effect. Moreover, this effect refers to the asset's uses value. This card is almost the first released efficient charge adding card for the EotE spell series, such as Brand of Cthugha or Blur. Moreover, there is no restriction of charge or your test. It means that you may commit this card to your friend's (or you?) M1918 BAR to add 4 ammo or Flamethrower to add 2 ammo.
Additional notes:
- Ghastly Possession is spell card, so that it is searched by Arcane Initiate.
- We can trigger empty Brand of Cthugha or Divination and commit Ghastly Possession, and replenish charges before spending charges to resolve Cthugha/Divination effect; not for Blur since it requests charges when triggering.
You can doom not just physical items but any kind of Asset, like Spell Asset that tends to have a skill test on them. While this sounds strange, TSK did come with cards that help getting rid of "doomed Spell" such as Explosive Ward or Uncage the Soul (3).