
Spirit. Tactic.

Cost: 2. XP: 2.


Fast. Play during any window.

Engage. Fight. Choose a non-Elite enemy up to 2 locations away. Move that enemy to your location, engage it, and attack it.

Derek D. Edgell
Nathaniel Cho #23.
"Get over here!"


No faqs yet for this card.


Yorick readied his shovel. His coat was in tatters, his beloved teddy bear ripped into shreds before his eyes... And the unquiet dead of prehistory had begun to surround him. It wouldn’t be a fun fight, even if he wasn’t bleeding internally.

“Why don’t you take on a real man?” yelled the pugilist from two blocks and 1000 years away.

The monsters turned...and charged. The gravedigger smiled faintly at the sound of skulls hitting the pavement.

MrGoldbee · 1441

Definitely a good card for Nathaniel to take, but I could see uses for the card in other investigators. The engage part means you can attack enemies on another investigator without accidentally hitting them, and you can drag Aloof enemies to you. Fast means you can play it on another investigator's turn, so you don't have to go first just to take care of a monster engaged with them. Moving the enemy means you don't have to spend your actions to get to the enemy's location. Plus, if your deck has cards like Evidence or Grete Wagner (or if you're Roland), you can reposition an enemy onto a location with an otherwise hard-to-get clue.

Not a must-have card for every character, but in larger player counts (where monsters are more likely to show up and there's more non-fighting allies you might want to protect), in campaigns with more Aloof enemies (hello, Whippoorwills), or if you have reasons to want enemies in specific locations, it's probably worth checking out.

Sethala · 5
There's a massive benefit in the 2xp spent here, for sure. I think you could justify this on pretty much any guardian in any campaign, but Dunwich definitely stands out. — SGPrometheus · 797
Another thing to note is that Nathaniel can drop this bad boy in the Mythos or Upkeep phase to take advantage of this ability which is only once per phase. Not once per round. In addition, dropping it at the beginning of the upkeep phase means all enemies have attacked and are exhausted - thus cannot retaliate. — 1337duck · 1

Do we think playing this card would provoke an attack of opportunity? I'm thinking yes since it's an action that counts as an Engage (as well as a Fight) and Engage actions do provoke and thus playing the multi-type card does get you hit by enemies already engaged with you. That is also counts as an Fight action doesn't save you.

krish · 50
I think if you aren't engaged with an enemy already, that would be the same as engaging an already engaged enemy and then fighting it as a single action — brkndevil · 19
It is Fast, so no. — duke_loves_biscuits · 1250
As duke_loves_biscuits noted, it is fast, so this question is a moot point for the level 2 version, but the level 0 isn't. A multi-type card won't get you hit because AoOs happen when an investigator "takes an action other than to fight, to evade, or to activate a parley or resign ability," The fight keyword makes this an action taken to fight (among other things) and thus it wouldn't provoke an AoO. — Death by Chocolate · 1422
Note that when you use a weapon's ability you are taking both a Fight action AND an Activate action. This was confirmed when MJ explained how Haste works. So Get Over Here is far from being an exceptional case where you are taking two types of action at the same time, once of which proviking AoO and the other not provoking AoO. It goes without saying that an action does not provoke AoO as long as even one of the types it qualifies as doesn't provoke AoO. — Killbray · 11328

Less a review, and more of a note/question.

Similar to Deciphered Reality, It's worth noting that this card doesn't have the world "instead" or "but" on it. This means that the latter half of the effect is not a replacement effect, but an additional effect. Is that accurate? I believe that means that this allows you to Engage and Fight something that's already at your location. After resolving that, you could then choose an enemy up to 2 locations away, move it to your location, engage it, and attack it.

Is that accurate? If so, this becomes even better than it appears at a glance, giving you an opportunity for two separate engages and attacks, or two attacks at the same target. This adds a lot of flexibility as a fast action in exchange for the cost - especially since it means Nathaniel Cho will potentially deal up to 3 damage with it.

If that changes on release or a ruling clarifies things, it's likely still a reasonable card. However, there might be even more power in it than one expects at a glance.

Edit: The recent 2021-06-28 FAQ to Seeking Answers and the comment which said, "some players (rightfully) interpreted it to discover 3 clues in total", leads me to suspect this even further. The same applies for Righteous Hunt - none of the wording explicitly indicate you engage the specified enemy "instead" of the standard enemy you'd engage, or indicate that you can select the distant enemy as a valid target for the standard Engage action. This definitely seems like a case where the intent is clear, but a strict reading of the rules leaves some very odd gaps, and it only hasn't become an issue because only the three cards and Riot Whistle would really interact with it.

Ruduen · 967
No, the rules state that bold action designators perform the rules action, modified by the card ability. It's clear I believe from context that the card text is modifying Engage and Fight and not adding an additional effect — tessarji · 1
Considering the 2020-06-28 FAQ confirming that Seeking Answers, which lacked the "Instead" clause, was an additional effect on top, I'm still not certain that that's actually the case. I think that's probably the original intent, but the reading of it is still weird. — Ruduen · 967
The FAQ is simply saying that it was reasonable players would interpret the card that way, not that they were correct in doing so. The actually errata itself (in the FAQ document and reposted on this site) clarify that the intent was always to replace the effects of the original Investigate, not add to them. As that was their intent, there's no reason to think that the same intent doesn't apply here - in other words, you only engage one enemy and only fight one time with this card. — Sethala · 5
Heya y'all, question for the community: — Quantallar · 7

In Investigation Phase, Fast Engage gives you equivalent of redirection of enemy draw from clue finders, allowing them to go first anyway. Though more expensive than options like "Let me handle this!", Martyr's Vambrace, "Get behind me!", it has bigger location coverage.

Using it in window in Enemy Phase after Hunter enemy moves but before it attacks adds one more location away coverage (and can pull the enemy out of your clue finders that is about to get hit) if you could one-shot it. Otherwise you will get hit, which in that case you'd rather use it in Investigation Phase so you can perform follow up hits with weapons that have damage and bonus.

Since the card has no damage and accuracy bonus, commits and additional damage (e.g. Vicious Blow, Long Shot, Michael Leigh, ...) are handy to make a play in weird phases.

5argon · 9125

Heya y'all, question for the rules police and greater community:

How does this interact with Lily Chen using her Agility Discipline, gaining 3 Fight or Evade actions?

Because this is Fast, would it be usable? Not usable with the burst Discipline? Could you throw it in there, in between the 3 Fight or Evade actions, and it not count due to fast? On the normal version this is not an issue as it's just a Fight action with benefits but this version is Fast.

Thank you in advance for any clarification or help.

Quantallar · 7
There are no player windows between the three actions granted by Discipline (Balance of Body), however I believe you can play 'Get Over Here!' during the pre-commit or post-commit window of a skill test, and that doing so would immediately move the enemy and engage it, but you would wait for the conclusion of that test to attack it (FAQ 1.17, Nested Skill Tests). — Thatwasademo · 56
Ok, thanks. Could I use the Fast version as 1 of the 3 Fight Actions of the Discipline, essentially using it like it was an action? Or as if this was the lvl 0 version of Get Over Here? — Quantallar · 7
You maybe could, but why would you want to? It's fast, so mechanically it's identical to just playing it before or after using it. I guess you might want to play it in the middle of the chain, but there aren't many circumstances where that'd be necessary rather than doing it at the beginning (Maybe Fang of Tyr'thrha?) — taigrrr · 1