Scrapper fighting Ashcan (19xp)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
"Ash" the Flash (18xp) 1 1 0 1.0

blakink · 153

Hi guys!

Here you have one of my two "Ashcan" Pete decks I'm going to publish. I've tried both in difficult mode through TDL and succeed. I just publish the 19xp deck because I think it is viable all along the campaign in this way, anything else was nothing just comfort play.This is the fighter version.

For you to know, I'm rating the different aspect of the deck as explained just here:







Investigator profile

Fighter: .............................. /5

Clue gatherer: ................... /5

Treacheries endurance: ... /5

Draw consistency: ....... /5

Resource generation: . /5

Action economy: .................. /5

Going deeper into the character

The Core deck:

This deck relies on you cash generation thanks to the well-known trio Grisly Totem/Drawing Thin/Take Heart. Those 3 cards allow you to get 4 resources and draw 3 cards with only one action : a failed test. And if you have both drawing thin in play you'll be earning 6 resources and draw 4 cards! I give this combo a 4/5 cash generation because you need 3 cards for it (including a 3xp card Grisly Totemto bring back Take Heart into your hand) and you have to spend one action for it (while rogues can generate the same without any action even if it's a bit complicated to do it on every turn except for Preston Fairmont). Now, this cash generation will help you to figure out foes issues and most of the treacheries tests. Be aware that you're not needing 6 resource each turn and Grisly Totem can also be use to boost all your tests by adding an icon of any card you commit to the test (just like Minh Thi Phan!) and getting it back to your hand if you fail. A Glimmer of Hope is like a one resource cost Unexpected Courage. However getting this trio in play is not an easy task without the right cards to give more consistency to the deck. That's why Mr. "Rook" is here. He is the man who's going to give you the backbone of your play style here. That's also why I include a Calling in Favors, if despite the mulligan you don't get him.


"Ash" is a pretty good fighter here as he's got multiple possibilities to cope with foes and deal some damage on them. First of all, you begin the play with Duke which gives you a 4 and +1 damage and Scrapper to boost your quite good for a start! Then you've got Brute Force for those nasty monsters with 3HP. Okay, "Ash" only has 5 thanks to it but Scrapper will finish the job the make you get a more decent combat stat if it's needed. And finally you've got your damn good Fire Axe! As soon as you get it in play forget about Duke and Scrapper for fighting. This awesome weapon will give you a magnificent +6 and +1 damage for only 3 resources. And you're not going to need a 8 stat on every fight... I give this "Ash" deck a 3/5 in fighting as it includes 3 different ways to deal damages with solid boosts but keep i mind that the vagabond is not a fighter and it will be not so easy for him to figure out the more terrific monsters in the game (no Flamethrower here sorry...). To conclude this aspect of the deck, you can fight but you can't be a tank in a group.

Clue gatherer:

"Ash" is not a innate fighter... well he is not quite a seeker neither. But our favorite dog is still here to help you. So you've got a 4 with one free movement before investigating (in other words you're quite an Ursula man!). So what do you have to do in order to get clues? On low shroud location (1-2) use Flashlight. On medium (3-4-5) use Duke with some boost perception, Resourceful or A Glimmer of Hope. Don't forget the amazing Fieldwork which enable you to investigate with 6 ! Finally for high shroud location you have the upgraded Gravedigger's Shovel. "Look what I found!" is here as a bonus when you fail a test to get your resources if there is 2 clues on your location. So "Ash" is a quite good clue gatherer (3/5) as he has different tools which are efficient if you use them in the correct way. Don't even think about wasting a Gravedigger's Shovel in a 3 or 4 shroud location!!!

Treacheries endurance:

With its defensive stat line "Ashcan" Pete is a quite good investigator to deal with the encounter deck. For all the tests Scrapper is here to ensure you pass. For the tests you've got A Glimmer of Hope with or without Grisly Totem help depending if you need resources or not on this round. Keep in mind that A Glimmer of Hope is an auto recycling card! Nothing else to write about that 4/5 because you don't have any cancel button.

Resource generation / Draw consistency:

All is explained in the Core Deck above, 4/5.

Action economy /managing Duke:

Well... I only gives this deck a 2/5 decent level. It may seem quite severe for a deck with Duke. First of all, I give that rating because of the action you need to spend to generate cash and draw cards. Because you'll "loose" one action every two turns in my opinion to make the deck works. That can be a problem in some scenario and its a real weak spot here. Nevertheless, the deck construction mitigate that matter. In fact, Duke gives you a free move before investigating and you have Inspiring Presence to ready him without using "Ash" action. That enable you to ready Duke two times in a turn (and almost catch Speedy Gonzalez!). A Glimmer of Hope is a very convenient choice in this deck to ready Duke and be used as a skill card as you can recycle it easily. Gravedigger's Shovel is not an action economy card as you spend 2 action to get 2 clues ( playing it and putting it away) but a nice option to avoid investigating tests.

Side points:

Madame Labranche and Miss Doyle are none mandatory of course. I've played with those two as Madame Labranche gives me more resources and Miss Doyle brings me testless actions. I think they're okay for NTZ, TDL but if you play PTC, TFA or TCU you should use Peter Sylvestre and then the upgraded version instead.

I took Resourceful to recycle Brute Force and get more damage consistency but you can easily swap it with Unexpected Courage or any event you would like to use.

Path of leveling


Grisly Totem Grisly Totem

The cash engine can't run without it as you need to recycle Take Heart to be efficient. So it must be your prior xp investment.



To get two allies in play and use Mr. "Rook" to set up your gear while Madame Labranche help you with resources.

Gravedigger's Shovel upgraded Gravedigger's Shovel

To be sure to not being stuck due to high shroud location.

Last recommended staff

Overpower Brute Force

To get more damage consistency


To boost easily Duke fighting actions if you don't have your Fire Axe and to help with tests.

Fluff staff

Madame Labranche Miss Doyle

To begin with "Ash" menagerie and profit from testless actions.

That's all guys! Enjoy your play!