Dreamlands Survivalist

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ghost Meat · 970

This is a deck I made for 2-player, in the Dreamlands portion of the Dream-Eaters campaign (paired with Joe Diamond).

After the first scenario, which Tony and Joe positively dunked on, earning 12xp and Resolution 1, I thought others might have as much fun playing this as I did. It's my first foray into playing Tony, and due to having one collection between my partner and I, and Joe Diamond using many Guardian cards, I thought to try for Tony's sub-class here.

Turn One

After one scenario, I am super impressed with how much of a beast Tony is, with the ability to make wheelbarrows of cash, straight-up invalidate enemies, and have an absurd amount of actions per turn. In turn one of "Beyond the Gates of Sleep," Tony got Leo De Luca and .41 Derringer on the table (after having a good dream in the prelude), and having an Emergency Cache in his opening hand. From then on, it was 4-6 turns per game for him (thanks to Quick Thinking and Tony's bounty enemy ability for some 6-action turns).

Rogue Cards

Tony crushes most fight tests, so Lucky Cigarette Case draws him a lot of cards, and between the .45 Thompson, Tony's .38 Long Colt, and .41 Derringer, he's way up on most tests. Other cards that fuel his fire are Contraband for double the ammo (I put down a .45 Thompson and played this, getting to 10 ammo charges, which felt great, Sleight of Hand to save some ammo and anticipate upgrading into two Lupara, "Watch this!" for even more cash, and Quick Thinking for even more actions.

Survivor Cards

includes here are mainly meant to supplement Tony's fight/damage abilities, with Act of Desperation to throw ammoless weapons around for damage and cash tempo, Improvised Weapon to help save ammo and help Tony finish off bountied enemies with his Colts, Lucky! because it's just generally one of the most useful cards in the game, "Not without a fight!" to help boost fight tests to insane numbers against Swarming enemies (as you have so many engaged with you), and Stunning Blow to also tech against Swarming packs, in case you somehow don't have time to kill them all with all of his myriad actions and can evade them all with this as you keep your fighting tempo up.


Despite having no specific clue cards in the deck, Tony ended up with 6 clues. Turns out a base 3 intellect isn't terrible for investigation, and having some wild icons with Unexpected Courage and Lucky! in-hand is helpful for this too.

Upgrade Path

With 12xp, upgrade cards I'm looking at are Lupara, Brute Force, Lucid Dreaming (to fetch the other copy of Tony's .38 Long Colt, and Another Day, Another Dollar to help get Tony's expensive ally and weapons off the ground from turn 1. Chicago Typewriter could be a good replacement for .45 Thompson, but this does not strike me as being urgent.


W/r/t to his random basic weakness, Unspeakable Oath (Bloodthirst), I cannot believe how fortuitous this pull was. This "weakness" is a soft breeze blowing through Tony's house of pain. I drew it early and cleared it on the first enemy that appeared next. Highly recommend. ;)

You can follow Tony and Joe's adventures here, on my Arkham-specific Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAsFpIShLT5/