Yorick Ain't No Grave

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

degnanigans · 17

can hold my body down.

This is my version of Tank Yorick for multiplayer. My goal is to get as much value from his recursion ability as possible. before adding a card to the deck I tried to ask myself "would I be excited to have three copies of this in my hand if I wasn't allowed to commit them?" This slantes my choices heavily towards cheap cards.

The default priority cards to recursion are Leather Coat or Guard Dog if you have the resources and Smoking Pipe. Leather Coat is the most efficient health in the game when played via recursion and you us Smoking Pipe to remove horror placing the damage on Leather Coat.

Why Rabbit's Foot, why 2X "Look what I found!", why only 1x Gravedigger's Shovel?

I know this might be unpopular, but I'm skeptical of Gravedigger's Shovel. Even getting on the board with recursions, it's 2 resources and an action for a clue. The +2 is sexy, but I'm biased towards +1 damage weapons. I just can't see recursioning this item multiple times at 2 resources each for it's clue ability. I took one copy, because there are instances where it outshines "Look what I found!", locations that say "cannot gain clues by investigating" like the Parlor car on Essex County Express. It may be better once the deck has spent xp on more cards that generate resources which will be a priority as resources easily become power for Yorick. I also left it in to experiment with and see if my opinion changes, also not having it feels dirty. "Look what I found!" is double the effect of a Gravedigger's Shovel plated just it's clue. Some people may be concerned about Yorick having trouble getting within -2 with his low which is where Rabbit's Foot comes in to help you feel a little less bad about not hitting that number. I will clarify that skill checks can't have results below 0, so you can't fail a shroud 2 by more than 2 (shroud 3 with lantern).

Lantern>Flashlight I'm aware this is controversial too. Due to this game being multiplayer, I only expect to be investigating for the easiest of clues barring the use of "Look what I found!" or Gravedigger's Shovel and I expect the guaranteed damage to be desirable despite the cost at least once a game. Theme also served as a tie breaker.

.32 Colt Obviously Machete is his main weapon. I considered Baseball Bat, but really wanted the hand for Lantern. I also assume that there will be more monsters that punish melee only investigators in the future.

Guard Dog > Beat Cop With recursions in mind the cost of 6 vs 8 for playing 1 dog twice is much more significant than the difference between 3 and 4 for playing each once. Also Yorick can afford to split damage between a Guard Dog, Leather Coat, and William Yorick to get maximum value out of each Doggo (1 damage per resource spent).

"Let me handle this!"+Dodge+"If it bleeds..." core of tanking and helping his team. "If it bleeds..." helps even things out from his assets being Health heavy.

Stray Cat Can come out early as insurance if you have a weak hand after mulligan. It's also a really strong conditional recursion. If you find yourself engaged with two monsters; kill the weak one, recursion the Stray Cat and use its to evade the big baddie. As a recursion Stray Cat is a better value than Dodge.

I kind of wanted Taunt, but couldn't quite justify dropping anything, maybe put it in over Vicious Blow. I really love the xp version, but the 0xp often doesn't feel like a safe enough investment.


Oct 03, 2017 degnanigans · 17

I was skeptical of Knife which I've seen on a lot of popular Yorick decks and I still am. Personally, I think that the repeated recursions of Knife to allow it to be his primary weapon prevents him from doing his shtick.

I did however realize that Knife can fulfill the purpose of .32 Colt of countering enemies like Conglomeration of Spheres and Avian Thrall while being a better if you're stuck with it as your only weapon in your opening hand after mulligan.