Leo’s RttCU Run #2 (At Death's Doorstep)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Leo’s RttCU Run #1 (The Witching Hour) 2 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Leo’s RttCU Run #3 (The Secret Name) 2 0 0 1.0

Magnificate · 1208

In solo At Death's Doorstep tends to leave apt time for setting up the investigator, so is shouldn’t be an issue for Leo Anderson to finish the scenario. That said, the next one is much more difficult, so should be doing my best to get as many XPs as reasonably possible. On the other hand, I feel that in-narrative Leo Anderson would be trying to leave as soon as the mist receded. He wouldn’t go out of his way to punch Josef Meiger, but at the same time Leo would find the Lodge rather unconvincing and he wouldn’t have the patience to deceive them. He could, easily, with his gruff charismatic demeanor. I guess we’ll have to see how the scenario unfolds.

At Death's Doorstep

Pre-Mulligan Hand: Venturer, Perception, Venturer, Calling in Favors, Fine Clothes

Opening Hand: Fine Clothes, Flashlight, Daring, Intel Report, Sled Dog

Agenda & Act: JUSTICE • XI & Hidden Agendas

Leo begins the scenario with 2 Physical Trauma. There are 3 clues on Victorian Halls.




Mists from Beyond is an excellent variation on Chilling Fog. It’s less impactful, but it cannot be removed and it follows the clues. Great idea for a campaign where Haunted exists. That said, I’m as good as ready to advance. I’ll use the extra time to set up the board.

Board State Reminder: 6 health, 6 sanity, 1 resource, 4 clues

In Play: Sled Dog. Flashlight (3 supplies), Fine Clothes

In Hand: 2× Daring, Perception, Mauser C96, Sled Dog

Threat: Fate of All Fools




Heh. If Leo didn’t trust Mitch I’m sure he would find the timing of Mitch disappearing and the spectral mist descending… curious. Game-wise, the Nether Mist was drawn so we’re on track on getting the full 7 XPs from this scenario.

Board State Reminder: 5 health, 6 sanity, 1 resource, 6 clues

In Play: 2× Sled Dog, Sled Dog (1 damage), Mauser C96 (5 ammo), Flashlight (3 supply), Fine Clothes, Lone Wolf

In Hand: 2× Daring, Perception, Fine Clothes, Take the Initiative, Calling in Favors

Threat: Fate of All Fools




Notice that the addition of Senator Rhodes makes the Watcher linger a little longer near the exit. If it weren’t for the Watcher’s Grasp I wouldn’t need to deal with it for several rounds. Anyways, it’s always fun to see Leo solve his problems by evading. I imagine him using his dogs as distractions and then barreling with them through the corridors.

Board State Reminder: 4 health, 6 sanity, 5 resources, 1 clue

In Play: 2× Sled Dog (1 damage each), Sled Dog (1 damage & 1 horror), Mauser C96 (5 ammo), Flashlight (no supplies), Fine Clothes, Lone Wolf

In Hand: Daring, Fine Clothes, Venturer, Mauser C96, Flashlight, Sled Dog

Threat: Fate of All Fools




Well, isn’t that last draw convenient? Intel Report saves me the need to return to the Office. Truth be told, at the beginning of the scenario I’ve expected I’d be engaging Josef and dragging him to the exit. If I did that with Sled Dogs there would be only one attack of opportunity. Still, making the way clear for him works just as well.

Board State Reminder: 4 health, 6 sanity, 7 resources, 1 clue

In Play: Sled Dog, 2× Sled Dog (1 damage each), Sled Dog (1 damage & 1 horror), Mauser C96 (5 ammo), Flashlight (2 supplies), Fine Clothes, Lone Wolf

In Hand: Intel Report

Threat: Fate of All Fools, Unavoidable Demise


It’s one of the strongest scenarios in TCU, but aside from the encounter replacements it wasn’t improved too much. The addition of Senator Rhodes was welcome, but there was no resolution for him. In the same vein, I saw there was another see an additional named Lodge member, whom you could couldn’t parley with, in the encounter deck. No resolution for him either. It feels unsatisfying. In narrative I went for Leo hedging his bets, he’ll go along with the Lodge for the moment, but there’s no sense of loyalty between them. That translates to deceiving the Lodge.

Campaign Log:

Disappearance at the Twilight Estate: Gavriella disappeared into the mist. 3 pieces of evidence were left behind.

The Witching Hour: Leo has rejected his fate. The witches’ spell was broken. 8 XP, Mementos: Mesmerizing Flute & Ritual Components.

At Death’s Doorstep: Leo is on Gavriella’s trail. Leo escaped the spectral realm. Leo rescued Josef. Leo is a member of the Lodge. Leo is deceiving the Lodge. 7 XP.