Father Mateo - …and suddenly he cracked

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dr.Macaquito · 498

God sees every little sin. Mateo just wanted to relax and don't overthink everything for once, when he spontaneousley decided to enter the tent of Anna Kaslow, the soothsayer. This crazy witch must have drugged him. He woke up in the pouring rain in a dark forest. That horrible woman from his neighborhood woke up next to him, talking about them being cosmically connected. Mateo stood up, smoothed his dripping wet cassock and realised he was lost...and suddenly he cracked.

Will his friendly neighbour be able to prevent a bloodbath, when Mateo finds out about the witches in the wood? (Spoiler: She won't.)

Mulligan for Spirit of Humanity, Astronomical Atlas and Armageddon or Spectral Razor.

Use Spirit of Humanity to fill the chaos bag with tokens on your road to insanity.

When you reach 3 sanity, there will probably already be some of the desperate traited cards underneath your bible and you can even use them twice, if you succeed at the skill test.

Alternate between using Spirit of Humanity for healing and dealing damage and horror to yourself in order to further fill up the bag with and tokens.

The tokens will let you trigger Blessing of Isis for Father Mateos superb ability. Olive McBride will help finding them.

The tokens won't harm you, if you auto succeed or commit a desperate card with four matching symbols to the test. They will be useful for killing enemies with Armageddon as well.

You can use Uncage the Soul for a discount on Armageddon, Blessing of Isis or Spirit of Humanity. you can also use it for Spectral Razor, if you don't care about the attack of opportunity. You want to get down to three sanity anyway.

Include In the Thick of It to start with 8XP to buy two copies of Astronomical Atlas and one copy of Spirit of Humanity.

Apparently I forgot to include Sacred Covenant in the decklist I published. It is actually essential for the deck and was one of the cards I bought for XP after the first scenario.

For a starting decklist replace one copy of Spirit of Humanity with a Tempt Fate, the two Blessing of Isis with two Unexpected Courage and the two Holy Rosary with two Keep Faith.

Further upgrades should be Perception into Seal of the Elder Sign and upgrading your Armageddons. You can use your Seals twice, if you find them with the Astronomical Atlas.

Edit: As @milo17 pointed out in the comments, you cannot play your Seals twice with Astronomical Atlas, because they will be removed from the game after being added to your hand by the atlas. I think it is still worth including them, but you probably want to consider other upgrades first.

If you still have XP left, you can upgrade your two Deny Existence.

I am playing this deck in a Solo campaign of return to the circle undone. If you want to use it in multiplayer, you should probably pair Mateo with other investigators that like tokens and can help adding even more tokens to the chaos bag.

Have fun and feel free to comment.


Feb 06, 2022 milo17 · 8

Hey, deck looks cool. Are you saying that the seal of the elder sign does not get removed from the game if I play it from astro atlas?

Feb 06, 2022 Dr.Macaquito · 498

@milo17 Oh, my mistake, I guess you are right. Will edit the deck description. Thank you!

Feb 06, 2022 MrGoldbee · 1404

Solid. Could use more $.

Feb 07, 2022 FlarkeFiasco · 1

How does the deck not run out of attacks? If this is a primary fighter (I see zero clue stuff), then it only has 4 options for enemies. Once Armageddon runs out of charges, I don't see how it fights any further. Like sure, it passes a lot of tests, but where does it get action compression once charges run dry?

I assume you'd run this with a parallel Wendy or something, just so there's ample bless and curse in the bag. Then Armageddon could gain back some charges, cuz otherwise, you're out by 4th enemy

Feb 07, 2022 FlarkeFiasco · 1

I'm dumb, spirit of humanity gives both bless and curse. Okay, I can see it now. Cool concept.

Still scary if you miss your Mulligan though. No arcane initiates or card draw, not even card draw skills, to help dig for Armageddon.

Hmmm, or does the ASTRO atlas actually become a pseudo draw, since it rips cards from the too and let's you commit them later to get back to your hand right? Although imagine, scary, trying to get an Armageddon with atlas, you commit to a test, then draw an autofail and alright, your fighter has nothing guys, sorry! Kind of epic that Mateo can fix that problem once per game guaranteed, it's very convenient.

This seems like a greedy deckbuild that honestly gets away with it. Very cool.

If agree with goldbee, might need more money. No e-cache seems scary in pure mystic, but there are plenty of skills to cut for a couple of those :)

Feb 07, 2022 Dr.Macaquito · 498

@FlarkeFiasco Thank you for the detailed comment!

Armageddon will get a few charges in most scenarios, but you are still right. This is not meant to be a main fighter in a four player group. I play this deck in a solo campaign and I could see it as a flexy character in a group build around bless/curse mechanics. You should definitely try to mulligan for Armageddon or Spectral Razor, but even when I did not find one of these in the opening hand, the deck still had answers to enemies (Reckless Assault for small enemies or Run For Your Life and Promise of Power for evasion). I only played the first scenarios in "Return to the circle undone" so far and the deck was quite successfull, but it was always tense and that is when I love this game the most.

Card draw has not been a problem so far. In one of the scenarios I went through the whole deck. Astronomical Atlas does alot of work.

You are right about ressources being a bit tight in the first few turns, if you do not find Uncage the Soul. But as far as you can play Astronomical Atlas and Spirit of Humanity in the first turn and have a Spectral Razor backup in your hands, you should be fine. I guess I just got lucky so far and I think always used at least the first one or two Elder Signs in each scenario for a ressource and a card instead of an extra action. Which cards would you recommend dropping for ressource generation?

I did not have any problems finding clues in the solo campaign so far, but this definitely is not a build, which can find heaps of clues in a multiplayer game.

I actually forgot to tag this as Solo and when I edit it and try to change it, it doesn't seem to work. I will try again later :)

Feb 07, 2022 chirubime · 25665

It's probably important to point that Astronomical Atlas can potentially deadlock you out of your Armageddon. Without having some sort of method to manipulate the top card of your deck (like Parallel Fates, Alyssa Graham, Scroll of Secrets), you can risk a situation where you attach Armageddon to Atlas.

Lvl 0 Armageddon has 1 fist icon meaning you'll be waiting reactively for an enemy to perform a basic fight action (or a Spectral Razor) fight in order to get the card that is supposed be dealing with said enemy. Even then, you'd probably need to also have Reckless Assault to pass a basic fight you commit Armageddon to.

Lvl 4 Armageddon has 1 willpower icon which does open the breadth of situations where you can commit it. However, you're at the mercy of the encounter deck since you run no other spells that give you a proactive willpower test to commit it to.

Feb 07, 2022 FlarkeFiasco · 1

I now understand how this is a solo build, and it makes a lot more sense to me. Once it runs out of commit cards, it can't get clues really. Once it runs out of charges, it can't damage things really. Good things solo mode only requires those things be done a minimal amount of times each!

If this were a flex deck in multi-player, I think it would mainly want to be paired with another flex, if two player, do that they can cover whatever gas you happen to run out of. And of course, they would want bless / curse interaction :).