Quickdraw Zoey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Calprinicus · 4986


I built this deck around Quickdraw Holster and Galvanize. Together, you gain 3 FIGHT actions with a firearm. This is a lot of burst damage! The best firearm I found to pair this with was the .32 Colt since it can reload itself and is almost guaranteed to have 3 ammo.


Beat Cop is a good secondary target for Galvanize and the +1 also helps with the .32 Colt. To negate the self-inflected damage, Bandages does a great job. Better yet, add Well-Maintained so they return to your hand after you spend the last supply. Like Galvanize, Inspiring Presence also readies Beat Cop while also healing.


I knew having both Quickdraw Holster in play and Galvanize in your hand was going to be hard, so I opted for a lot of card draw and cantrips. Deep Knowledge, Glory, Daring, Overpower, and Stand Together allow you to rapidly cycle through your deck.


You should have enough firepower to deal with most monsters. However, if there are no monsters on the board, you're going to have a harder (and less helpful) turn. On the Hunt and Delve Too Deep will help you find something to fight. Otherwise, use the turn to heal and add with Book of Psalms, reload your .32 Colt, and draw cards.


You are not a cluer. This deck is for multiplayer where you can have a more specialized role. However, Flashlight allows you to collect a minimal amount when needed. If you need more cluing, you can attach your Well-Maintained to a flashlight. But you'll probably want to upgrade into Agency Backup or use Drawn to the Flame instead of Delve Too Deep.