Artist hands are not meant for guns | 2 Packs Deck Guide

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pawley · 24


Her keen eye and steady hand were perfect for the task

Game Plan

An artist innocently walks in, quick draws Lupara from her paintbrush totebag , BAM!BAM! , hide her murder tool fast with her Sleight of Hand ,smile :)

gameplay is pretty satisfying and fun, for me atleast.

The infamous Sleight of Hand + Lupara combo might looks best on "Skids" O'Toole on the first look. but it lacks consistency. I would prefer x5 Sleight of Hand made possible with The Painted World. not to mentioned her innate ability make it easier to find Lupara even you have only 1.

for that to works with mere 2 weak artist hand you will need Hard Knocks and prep heap of resources for the cause. which Sefina Rousseau could basicly paint print banknotes with The Painted World if really desperate for cash (which not recommended to,tho)

and even if in case you dont get Sleight of Hand in the starting hand . you might just quickly x5 Drawn to the Flame ,do you best job, and call it a day.

Interpreting Sefina Rousseau Ability

up to 5 events to place beneath this card, what was that??

some says this is her idea . Her imitation job ruins her deep inside as an artist. Sometime, she not starting the day with full creativity.

yes, Idea and creativity is part of mind. When you use innate or you literally ripping your sub sanity which render her more vulnerable to Stars of Hyades . you might have to think twice before doing that.

Artist must be ready with the tools to perform whenever creativity hit, coming far from home island to a vast continent with prepare, whatever reason, Sefina Rousseau is more ready for action than other investigator with 8 cards as your opening hand.

Am I too stretch here? feel free to share your aspect of interpretation.

Mulligan Priority (?)

welp, Sefina could not mulligan. but at least you might want to know what will you happy to see in the 13 opening hand cards.

all these up and you are ready to roll

...but if not. ¯ \ (ツ) / ¯

  • Drawn to the Flame and try to progress as you could. you still can do the combo but not so many time.

Upgrade Path

 Cost  Total
    →  Charon's Obol 2 XP 2 XP
   Calling in Favors  →  Bulletproof Vest ••• 3 XP 5 XP
   Leo De Luca  →  Lupara ••• 3 XP 8 XP
   Quantum Flux  →  Hot Streak •••• 4 XP 12 XP
   Shrivelling  →  Suggestion •••• 4 XP 16 XP
critical mass 16 XP
   .41 Derringer  →  Lupara ••• 3 XP 19 XP
   .41 Derringer  →  Hot Streak •••• 4 XP 23 XP
   Flashlight  →  Pickpocketing •• 2 XP 25 XP
   Emergency Cache  →  Pickpocketing •• 2 XP 27 XP
   ¯ \ . (ツ) . / ¯  →  Sure Gamble ••• 3 XP 30 XP

(View at

Yep, it possible to earn that much xp with Charon's Obol. If not falls short before...

feel free to swap some according to your own actual gameplay.

Cards Explanation

The Painted World

Even you got some upgraded event cards. I still suggest to use The Painted World with mainly Sleight of Hand or Drawn to the Flame our main card. If you wanted other card in the idea event should get it by innate or . or even just leave it there so Sefina not dying from Stars of Hyades

Sleight of Hand

Core card of the build is here from the start. you will want this to be 1 of 5 events card so you could use it more than 2 times with The Painted World

Use it with gun such as Lupara so you get it reloaded every time you played it (or even Flashlight in early game if you want to)

Hard Knocks

turn your wealth into for Lupara shots


when your main combo is not ready. this is your poor girl sub weapon to deal with small fry. don't forget that evade and run is always an option.

Arcane Initiate

Despite slinging guns, you still got fair amount of spells in deck including The Painted World aswell.

David Renfield

One of her anonymous stranger with deep pockets, who'd tasked her with recreating panorama of some strange, furry characters.

sorry, jk

needless for explanation how to play him. just milk his cash and get rid of him somehow before he went too far (with the doom).

we did not use chained taboo version. because this build is only 2 packs and no Scarlet Key card to make it broken. yet still felt like this is very good card even just for the resource aspect.

Narrow Escape

Aside from main event cards could say that other events are just filler to tank Stars of Hyades .but this card is useful for attacking efficiently. you might want to move while got engaged to shoot 2 shots of Lupara or using Storm of Spirits. not to mention the +2 skill and 2 commit.


Personal rant I'm not a big fan of stats+stats cards in general. felt like a overkilled on standard. but somehow this card is alright to me. maybe because it use to evade I guess .

all those aside, this card is value upgrade for sure. big number evade sure is nice but the 2nd ability is what I find really useful. It worked like x3 auto Dodge which pushed me through a lot of impossible deadend several times. It allow you to tank some big hit , do action through AoO , engage and save teammate , blabla

Ah, and noted that you still can evade even Charges reach 0 .

Charon's Obol

Sefina Rousseau is pretty defensive investigator and would not go down easily. along with Bulletproof Vest it is somewhat "safe" to claim the pirate cursed treasure.

Testrun Review

is this considered spoiling my own deck?

  • hipster, but it worked
  • You not gonna run into anything like a . Will need some prep for your card to ready. some evade, some running, some kiting into small group of 2-3 enemy and finish them efficiently with Sleight of Hand Lupara ,Storm of Spirits , Narrow Escape
  • she will get hit by Stars of Hyades once or twice. the low deck weakness loop would very less likely to occur. I put Quantum Flux just to prevent that so it's not really needed.
  • Even this deck need cashes money for . I found myself barely got opportunity to use Emergency Cache . spending 1 action for 3 ... even a mere Overpower is still better in that aspect. Anyway, the other economy card such as "Watch this!" , David Renfield , Hot Streak is definitely on another level and alright to use.