Ky-Money-Money-Money Jones (thank you Valentin1331!)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Kymani chases the Taino's relics|Deck Guide 241 184 33 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

acotgreave · 783

Ky-money Jones' thanks Valentin1331


First, a big thank you to Valentin1331. This deck, like most of the ones I play these days, started out from one of his amazing decklists. In that one, Kymani grew to be an all-evading superstar. In the campaign I played, we had two big fighters, so I evolved this into a big money clue/flex fun time.

Table of Contents:

  • Overview

  • Main Strategy

  • Pay for anything

  • The Super Cash Combo

  • Other Cards

  • Scarlet Key card highlights

  • Thank you Valentin1331!


Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Enemy Management: ★★☆☆☆
Clue-getting: ★★★★☆
Encounter protection: ★★★☆☆
Survivability: ★★★★★
Economy: ★★★★★
Card Drawing: ★★★★☆

Main Strategy:

Pay for anything:

  • 24 cards in this deck contribute to economy, by either giving you resources, or reducing costs.
  • This means your The Black Fan and Well Connected are going to give you super powers from mid-scenario
  • I found in playing that I need a few rounds to get set up, but once the main engine is running, you're super-powered.
  • Your underworld market should contain Fence, Thieves' Kit, "I'll take that!", Pickpocketing and Embezzled Treasure (until the final scenario when you can upgrade out of it). Prioritise getting those in play. Once you have Gregory Gry and Stylish Coat in play, the resources will flood in.

The Super Combo:

If you can manage it, you can pull off a ridiculous turn:

  • Action 1 and 2: Play Grappling Hook, triggering Honed Instinct
  • Actions 3, 4, 5: Activate Grappling Hook and take 3 basic actions - Move, Evade, Investigate (comitting Quick Thinking to one of them)
  • Action 6: The Evade triggers a free fight action from Dirty Fighting
  • Action 7: Quick Thinking triggers another free action
  • Action 8: The Black Fan's free action (assuming you're >15 resources)
  • Action 9: Activate Fence to play #Pay Day Keerrr-ching: NINE resources.

More Pay Day required? Bring in Leo De Luca and commit a second Quick Thinking to another test.

Other Cards:

Scarlet Key card highlights

Since I'm still finding my way with the TSK cards, the highlights were:

  • Honed Instinct is a lovely, cheeky way to squeeze more action economy.
  • "I'll take that!" gives you a great way to get items in play quickly.
  • Stylish Coat, with a Hidden Pocket, is thematically wonderful, and gets the resource pile growing really quickly.
  • Embezzled Treasure earned its full resource bonus every scenario. I chose not to share the extra starting resources with other investigators, because it's pretty expensive to get all your assets in play early on.

Thank you Valentin1331

Once again, a huge thank you to Valentin1331 for contributing so much to the Arkham community and to making such a great place!


Feb 02, 2023 Valentin1331 · 56544

I really like your approach! The big money makes oversuccess much easier to achieve! Thanks for the credit and happy you liked one of my favourite investigators!

Jul 27, 2023 Devantar · 1

Could you please describe upgrades or post a 0xp deck version? Thank you