

Cost: 0. XP: 3.

Rogue Survivor

Limit 1 per investigator. Cannot leave play.

After you play Unscrupulous Loan: Gain 10 resources.

Forced - When the game ends or you are eliminated, if you have fewer than 10 resources in your resource pool: Exile Unscrupulous Loan.

Drazenka Kimpel
Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion #113.

Latest Taboo

The first line of this card gains: "Campaign Mode only."

Unscrupulous Loan


No faqs yet for this card.


I wish they'd made this Campaign Mode Only.

For standalones, this is a no-brainer. 10 resources with no consequence is broken. In standalone any other Rogue economy card is pointless compared to this.

I've played a few Rogues in standalone since this card came out and decided I'd house rule it to be Taboo in standalone.

acotgreave · 869
I'm pretty sure the precident is to only have that clarifier on Basic Weaknesses. You can always choose not to run exile cards in Standalone because they will always be undercosted for a single scenario without drawbacks. For the most part, Exile cards are worth twice their xp value for a standalone. So how does this compare? Considering Hot Streak gives 5/7 resources for an action at 2/4 experience, a 3xp version would give 6 for an action and a 6xp would give 9. This gives 10 and you aren't allowed to put a second one into play - which can be a real drawback for some truly expensive rogue decks - plus there are no icons on it so the second copy is totally dead if you run it. In short, I think you'll find exile cards to be fine in Standalone if you just double their xp cost. — Death by Chocolate · 1467
It's not totally dead with Cornered. But other than that, I agree. — Susumu · 368
Also, in the same vein: shouldn't Roland, Skids, Zoey, Jenny, Akachi and Preston be "campaign mode only" investigators? Because their signature weakness is also just a lost draw in standalone mode. — Susumu · 368

The best time to have a quick injection of a lot of money is at the beginning of the game, especially if you are asset-heavy. If you mulligan for this or it comes up within the first few turns, you're in for a good time. Play your expensive cards, and the rest of the game will be easier. If it comes up later, maybe don't play it. Anyways, you'd better have a plan to get the money back. The best way is to either play an investigator who makes the money back passively or is rewarded for having stockpiles of cash (Jenny Barnes, Preston Fairmont, Bob Jenkins, Monterey Jack (EDIT: Monterey Jack obviously cannot take Rogue level 3 cards)), or is asset/skill heavy where you just don't need to spend too many resources past putting down your key assets. Event-heavy Rogues are probably going to spend all of their money no matter how much they get. If you do need help getting the money back, the usual suspects like Hot Streak and Faustian Bargain are fine, and The Red Clock, Lone Wolf, and Investments will get you the money back eventually, but a special mention for Cheat the System, which cares about assets in play from other classes, and hey, this one is also a Survivor Card.

Speaking of, do any Survivors besides Bob Jenkins really need this? Survivor is, after all, the class that has Dark Horse. Wendy Adams can use this to pay for Leo De Luca, and with Pickpocketing (2) and other Rogue economy cards can make the money back. Rita Young can take Trick cards, so that means Easy Mark and Sneak By are on the menu, and she may want this to pay for an early Pilfer or two. Daniela Reyes may like this to put down some expensive Guardian assets or in Survivor, Aquinnah or a Chainsaw. But paying the loan back may be a challenge with Survivor cards. You can stop playing events or assets and build up your resource pool slowly. Maybe a key Drawing Thin or Take Heart will help. If you have time at the end of a scenario take the resources with the basic action yourself, or maybe get help from a friendly Guardian, Rogue, Seeker, or psychiatrist. Of course, taking Déjà Vu to mitigate the forced Exile may be the answer.

dscarpac · 1127
Jack can't take it. — MrGoldbee · 1468
Thanks -- It's too easy for the Edge investigators' deck-building requirements to sneak by. — dscarpac · 1127
Jack can take Sneak By. :D — Death by Chocolate · 1467
I am currently running it in a Patrice deck with cats & dogs, and first impressions are very good. She has often resource problems early on, which can be solved by this. And I don't think, she is the right investigator for "Dark Horse". — Susumu · 368
Besides, I'm pretty sure "Déjà Vu" won't discount this card, because "When the game ends" is not "during the scenario". Being defeated is just another way to end the scenario for the given investigator. — Susumu · 368
"When the game ends" is in fact during the game, since "when" means before, though. — Thatwasademo · 58
(to be specific, any "when the game ends" triggers happen between determining that the game is going to end and actually ending the game) — Thatwasademo · 58
Survivors who have lvl-0 Rogue access (Pete, Wendy, and Bob) might want this so they can pull shenanigans with Well Connected. With all the great Survivor econ available, it's a surprisingly strong archetype; I've built a really fun "Scrooge McDuke" deck that uses resources solely to power Well Connected instead of spending them. Since the whole point of the deck is to hoard your money, Unscrupulous Loan never gets exiled. — ClownShoes · 148

This is a great card for helping to enable big money builds. Other people have said all the reasons that it is good. Only thing I would add is I wish for fluff reasons they had made the forced ability check for like 12 or 15 resources. After all how can a loan at 0% interest be unscrupulous?

Maybe if your money givers second name is O'bannion. But then I would rather expect to shuffle an enemy into your deck (who could satisfied with money) rather than exile the card — Tharzax · 1
I agree. It feels odd, that you don't have to pay more back, that you got. — Susumu · 368
You had to pay a flat fee in advance to get the loan (3xp) and if you don't pay it off at the end of the day (the current scenario) you have to pay them again (another 3xp to get it back.) Sounds pretty unscrupulous to me. — Robax · 1

Pretty good if your investigator uses his or her ill-gotten gains from the Loan to gain some connections. Instantly granting a +2 to every Well Connected activation is no joke. And if you're playing WC, chances are that your deck is built to maintain a huge pile of resources throughout a scenario, which helps ensure that Unscrupulous Loan never gets exiled.

ClownShoes · 148

You can loan to just "show" how rich you are walking around with the money, not having to worry about Exile consequence. For example, allowing investigators that can't pump money to hold The Black Fan or use Money Talks (2). (All provided in the same EotE pack.) Also kind of funny when they go brag around with money they just loaned and it works..

5argon · 10485

With all cards worth 3 XP or less, from now on, I will ask myself "is this the card I will put in my deck at the very beginning of the campaign thanks to In the thick of it ?". And I think for this one the answer will almost always be "yes" if i'm playing a "rich rogue" deck.

Until now my way to go in standard difficulty was to use Gregory Gry to slowly get resources at each successful test, and it was especially effective with Tony Morgan + Tony's .38 Long Colt or Mauser C96 as you test 6 against the enemy value and you often succeed by 1 or 2 but it needed a few turns before Well Connected gave me a bonus good enough to bet 3 resources from Gregory at once and grow my resource pool at a steady pace with him.

Now, with a single action and a single card, I can from the start of the game (of course I need to draw it first!) have a +2 bonus with Well Connected and once I upgrade to Well Connected, it's event two +2 bonuses.

AlexP · 251
The thing is, as a Rogue, I'm very tempted to take Charon's Obol with In the Thick of It as well. — Nenananas · 257

This seems to be an absolute no-brainer for standalone play. 10 free resources, and who cares if it's exiled?

Almost seems like it should say "Campaign Play Only".

One does sometimes wonder if the play-testers remember about standalone play at all...

That's just the nature of exile in standalone. Worse with this since it doesn't really turn into RFG, but cheaper exile cards like Flare are also very good in standalone play too. — SSW · 213
It's not actually that much better than, say, buying it for the last scenario of a campaign would be -- either way, you're paying 3 xp for an effect you get to use once. Same goes for any other exile. — Thatwasademo · 58
(naturally, that's still really good, as people have known about other exile cards like A Test of Will since the start, but it's not broken) — Thatwasademo · 58